CHIP-Seq protocolSiegel, Nicolai
ChIP protocol实验室成熟的CHIP-seq及CHIP-qPCR操作流程Fixation type: Type I: 1%formaldehyde/PBS(100ml):36.5%formaldehyde (F8775-500ml)2.5mldiluted in1XPBS88.75ml Roomtemperature, 15min Type II: 2-5mMDSG(stock 50mM: 10mg in 540ulof dry DMSO),Roomtemperature, 45min 1% formaldehyde /PBS,Room...
2023年6月,中国科学院庐山植物园黄铭坤与中国中医科学院中药研究所孙伟团队以共同通讯在Medicinal Plant Biology上发表了题为Establishment of a convenient ChIP-seq protocol for identification of the histone modification regions in the medicinal plant Andrographis paniculate的论文,报道简便高效的药用植物穿心莲组蛋白...
ChIP-Seq Protocol I.Sonication via Diagenode sonicator EnsureDiagenode Chilleris filled with dH20. Turn sonicator on and set chillerto 4C. Resuspend 1protease inhibitor cocktail(PIC)tablet in 1ml of ultrapurewater to obtain a 50X concentrate.PICis stable for 1 day but can beused up to 1 ...
2023年6月,中国科学院庐山植物园黄铭坤与中国中医科学院中药研究所孙伟团队以共同通讯在Medicinal Plant Biology上发表了题为Establishment of a convenient ChIP-seq protocol for identification of the histone modification regions in the medicinal plant Andrographis paniculate的论文,报道简便高效的药用植物穿心莲组蛋白...
ChIP protocol实验室成熟的CHIP-seq及CHIP-qPCR操作流程.doc,ChIP protocol Fixation type: Type I: 1% formaldehyde /PBS(100ml): 36.5%formaldehyde (F8775-500ml) 2.5ml diluted in 1XPBS 88.75 ml Room temperature, 15min Type II: 2-5mM DSG (stock 50mM: 10mg in 540
[6]Brind'Amour, J., et al., An ultra-low-input native ChIP-seq protocol forgenome-wide profiling of rare cell populations.Nat Commun, 2015. 6: p. 6033. [7] Rotem, A.,et al., Single-cell ChIP-seq reveals cell subpopulations defined by chromatinstate.Nat Biotechnol, 2015. 33(11):...
[6] Brind'Amour, J., et al., An ultra-low-input native ChIP-seq protocol for genome-wide profiling of rare cell populations. Nat Commun, 2015. 6: p. 6033. [7] Rotem, A., et al., Single-cell ChIP-seq reveals cell subpopulations defined by chromatin state. Nat Biotechnol, 2015. ...
Brind'Amour J, Liu S, Hudson M, Chen C, Karimi MM, Lorincz MC. An ultra-low-input native ChIP-seq protocol for genome-wide profiling of rare cell populations. Nat Commun. 2015 Jan 21;6:6033. doi: 10.1038/ncomms7033. PMID: 25607992.Matthew Lorincz实验室2015年发表的适用于...
最近读了一篇eLife的文章,叫“A new role for histone demethylases in the maintenance of plant genome integrity”,里面介绍了一种在拟南芥中进行组蛋白修饰的ChIP-seq方法。这个方法已经在Bio-protocol期刊上发表了详细版本,真是干货满满!亮点亮点✨