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[2]MicroRNAs in the etiology of colorectal cancer:pathways and clinical implications[J].Ashlee M.Strubberg,Blair B.Madison.Disease Models&Mechanisms.2017(3) [3]Evaluation and identification of factors related to KRAS and BRAF gene mutations in colorectal cancer:A meta-analysis[J].Li Lin,Guang-y...
ChIP-qPCR Data Analysis Excel File - SABiosciences, a QIAGEN 热度: "从RNA提取到荧光定量PCR"解决方案--qPCR系统 热度: qPCR实验解析-从设计到数据分析 热度: 相关推荐 5.miRNAs表达调控研究——5.3基因表达调控解析之利器—ChIP-qPCR 5.3基因表达调控解析之利器—ChIP-qPCR 服务领域: 特定转录因子与已知...
Easy to Use Data Analysis: Download an easy-to-use Excel-based data analysis template [here]. Data analysis is based on the ΔΔCt method with normalization of the specific antibody and control IgG raw data to input raw data. Layout and Controls: The PCR Arrays are available in both 96-...
The ChIP PCR array is a set of optimized real-time PCR primer assays on 96-well or 384-well plates for pathway or disease focused analysis of in vivo protein-DNA interactions. The ChIP PCR array performs ChIP DNA analysis with real-time PCR sensitivity and the multi-genomic loci profiling ...
For the example analysis, I will use the data below. These are qPCR results from a ChIP experiment by using an antibody of interest and a negative (IgG) antibody. The input sample used here is 2%, however, I will explain how to adjust the analysis to accept other input amounts. Instead...
ChIP-qPCR Data Analysis Excel File - SABiosciences a QIAGEN 热度: WINEGLASS-ON-A-CHIP P. Shao L.D. Sorenson X. Gao … 热度: Pathway-CentricToolsandTechnology™ ChIP-qPCRAssaysTechnologyOverview QuantitativeReal-TimePCRfor ChromatinImmunoprecipitationAnalysis ...
ChIP-IT® qPCR Analysis Kit 产品中心 产品 产品 字典 产能 企业 求购 展会 最近搜索:推荐工具:批量查询CAS转化学名CAS校验 结构式搜索委托采购 产品 产品 字典 产能 企业 求购 展会 委托采购结构式搜索 价格¥1560 起批量≥1盒 最小起订1盒 供货总量200盒...
然后作者做了Chip-qPCR验证了ETS1可以直接作用于miR-4521启动子 g ChIP analysis of ETS1 enrichment at the miR-4521 promoter during normoxia or hypoxia. IgG and anti-GAPDH antibodies were used as controls. h SGC7901-L and BGC-L cells during hypoxia were infected with miR-4521 lentiviruses and ...