2、取上述步骤所得上清液100µl加入每个IP 的1.5ml离心管中。3、每个IP,加入500µl chip buffer ,加入一抗,4℃翻转混匀过夜。Positive control IP: 5ug H3K27ac Antibody。Negative control IP: 5ug Normal Rabbit Ig G。Target-specific IP:5ug antibody。4、加30µl ChIP Grade Protein A/G ...
9.If the size of DNAfragment met ChIP grade requirement, then continue to incubation specific antibody as following; if not, resuspend samples for further sonication 10.Cell lysateshouldbe diluted 10-fold by dilution bufferplus cocktail(150ul cell lysate plus 1350ul dilution buffer)and left 5ul...
2、取上述步骤所得上清液100µl加入每个IP 的1.5ml离心管中。 3、每个IP,加入500µl chip buffer ,加入一抗,4℃翻转混匀过夜。 Positive control IP: 5ug H3K27ac Antibody。 Negative control IP: 5ug Normal Rabbit Ig G。 Target-specific IP:5ug antibody。 4、加30µl ChIP Grade Protein A/...
ChIP protocol实验室成熟的CHIP-seq及CHIP-qPCR操作流程.doc,ChIP protocol Fixation type: Type I: 1% formaldehyde /PBS(100ml): 36.5%formaldehyde (F8775-500ml) 2.5ml diluted in 1XPBS 88.75 ml Room temperature, 15min Type II: 2-5mM DSG (stock 50mM: 10mg in 540