Find your Chinese zodiac animal by year of birth: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.
Chinese Zodiac sign is based on one’s year of birth according to the Chinese lunar calendar. People under different signs have unique characters and fortune. You can find out your animal signs quickly according to the zodiac years chart below and click the animal sign to view more information...
The Chinese zodiac, called Sheng Xiao or Shu Xiang in Chinese, is a classification system based on the Chinese lunar calendar, in which each year is assigned an animal. The cycle repeats every 12 years.
Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart Animal Sign Best Match Just So-so Worst Match Rat Ox, Dragon, Monkey Rat, Tiger Horse, Rooster Ox Rat, Snake, Rooster Ox, Monkey Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Sheep Tiger Dragon, Horse, Pig Rat, Rabbit Ox, Tiger, Snake, Monkey Rabbit Sheep, Monkey, Dog, ...
The dates of Chinese Lunar New Year vary every year, but will fall on a day in January or February. If you were born on a day during March to December, it won’t be difficult to figure out your zodiac animal sign, but for people with birthdays in January or February, there are bigg...
And the animal representing your time of birth determines your “secret” you; the person you are but that you prevent the rest of the world from knowing about. When you look to the Chinese Zodiac and determine that you’re born under the sign of the Goat, for example, what you may ...
So which of the twelve Chinese zodiac animal symbols do you belong to? To find your Chinese zodiac sign, simply use the form below by selecting your date of birth or look up the chart below. Your Birthday: Month Day Year Get a Personalized Chinese Zodiac Sign Chop Custom Chop Carving: ...
The Chinese zodiac has 12 animal signs. Your zodiac is determined by your birth years, which can influence your relationship compatibility, personality, and horoscope.
Help your students learn about the Chinese Zodiac Animals, during the Lunar New Year. This chart has a movable arrow, to point to the correct Zodiac animal, year after year. Each Zodiac animal has the name in English and Chinese.This file contains an 8.5
Your Chinese Astrology provides full guides to Chinese zodiac signs, 2025 Chinese calendar, and monthly and yearly horoscopes.