Chinese Zodiac Years Chart How to calculate your Chinese zodiac sign? Horse 1918, 1978 (Earth Horse) 1930, 1990 (Metal Horse) 1942, 2002 (Water Horse) 1954, 2014 (Wood Horse) 1966, 2026 (Fire Horse) Sheep 1919, 1979 (Earth Sheep) 1931, 1991 (Metal Sheep) 1943, 2003 (Water Sheep)...
But how did the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and boar come to typify the years, and how did they achieve their rank from first to twelfth? The Great Race: The Story of the Chinese Zodiac Animals Personality Traits and Compatibility The ...
Chinese Zodiac Years Chart (Chinese Astrology Chart) Chinese Zodiac Rat Years Chart YearDateChinese Zodiac Year 1924Feb. 05, 1924 – Jan. 24, 1925Wood Rat 1936Jan. 24, 1936 – Feb. 10, 1937Fire Rat 1948Feb. 10, 1948 – Jan. 28, 1949Earth Rat ...
Find your Chinese zodiac animal by year of birth: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.
What's my Chinese Zodiac sign? Here is the Chinese Zodiac Years Chart with exact dates to help you find out your animal sign in a short time.
Read more:Chinese Zodiac Years Chart Origin of Chinese Zodiac The records from the excavated ancient bamboo books have proved the existance of Chinese zodiac before the Qin Dyansty (221 – 207BC), and the complete 12 animals’ cycle had been set before or during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 ...
It sounds that none of the Chinese zodiac animals likes the Tiger. The Chinese zodiac compatibility with Tiger has a different story by looking for the Five Elements hidden inside the Tiger.Tiger most compatible zodiacs: Horse, Dog, Rabbit, Pig, and Ox...
The Chinese zodiac has 12 animal signs. Your zodiac is determined by your birth years, which can influence your relationship compatibility, personality, and horoscope.
The Chinese zodiac chart shows which animal year (a Chinese year that associates with specific animal) your birth year is. According to the Chinese folk lores, those who are born during the year of a certain animal share some of the qualities of that animal. The twelve animals in order ...
Rabbits are gregarious animals. Rabbits are docile, gentle, understanding, and kind. They have flexible personalities. They can get along with many kinds of people. For marriage, Dog is the most compatible zodiac with the Rabbit. Rabbit most compatible zodiacs: Dog, Tiger, Pig, and Goat ...