The appearance and qualities of the tongue is a critical part of diagnosis in Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is especially important in confirming the TCM diagnosis. It can be a strong indicator of a person's overall harmony or disharmony.
An essential tool in Chinese medicine, the Tongue nearly always shows the true condition of the patient. It is particularly useful in complex, chronic conditions manifesting with contradicting symptoms and signs. Its strength relies in the fact that it is nearly always reliable and objective. Compar...
To investigate the efficacy of applying automatic tongue diagnosis system (ATDS) to the training of novice Chinese medicine (CM) doctors in the tongue diagnosis. Method A two-round experiment composed of pre- and after-training tests was performed. Two groups of CM doctors were formed by experi...
Chinese medicine update: tongue diagnosis in Chinese medicineB. Flaws
”及“In addition, other AI-driven innovations, such as prescription systems, pulse signal acquisition systems, acupuncture robots, and massage robots, are making their way into public use, bringing a high-tech touch to traditional medicine.(此外,其他人工智能驱动的创新技术,如处方系统、脉象信号采集...
The Transmission, Establishment and Cross-cultural Integration of Chinese Medicine in the Mainstream Healthcare, through the Eyes of a Generation of Visionaries and Pioneers 以一代有远见的先驱者视角,看中医药在主流医疗保健中的传...
A Perspective on Tongue Diagnosis in Patients with Breast Cancer Introduction:Breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer in women and patients with BC often undergo complex treatment. In Taiwan, nearly 80% of patients with BC seek traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) during adjuvant chemotherapy ...
That's the difference between Western medicine (WM), and Chinese or Oriental medicine (CM): same symptoms, same signs, same patient, but very different ways of organizing the information. An excellent example of how we can look at the same body with two perspectives is diabetes. Diabetes hap...
Carrying Forward the Spirit of Qi Huang and Inheriting the Essence of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Wu Bubing, a Famous Teacher of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the New Era 一朝为医,一生赴救。初心不忘,使命在肩,吴步炳忙碌的身影穿梭于病人之间,把简单和平凡演绎成无数个精彩的瞬间。
Traditional Chinese medicine, zhōng yì, is a therapy and a theory on how to stay healthy.中医是中国传统医疗方法和养生理论。Diagnosis in zhōng yì comes from various forms of observation, including visual,auditory, olfactory, tacti...