The tongue has a special relationship with the Heart, in that the Heart opens to the tongue. The tongue is said to be an "offshoot" of the Heart, or "flowers" into the Heart. The normal tongue in Traditional Chinese Medicine has a light red or pinkish body with a thin white coating....
Li Qing-Li, Xue Yong-Qi, Wang Jian-Yu, et al. Application of hyperspectral imaging system in tongue analysis of traditional Chinese medicine. Journal of Infrared And Millimeter Waves, 25: 465-468, 2006.Q. L. Li et al., "Application of hyperspectral imaging system in tongue analysis of ...
Pham, Y., Cai, B., Brown, R.: Visualization Techniques for Tongue Analysis in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In: Proc. Med. Imag. SPIE 14–19 (2004)B. L. Pham and Y. Cai, "Visualization techniques for tongue analysis in Traditional Chinese Medicine," in Medical Imaging...
Tongue Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine Believe it or not, the tongue is deemed as a powerful diagnostic tool in Chinese medicine. This reflects the body’s internal balance state. By examining the tongue’s color, coating, and shape, practitioners can identify potential imbalances that may impact ...
The Transmission, Establishment and Cross-cultural Integration of Chinese Medicine in the Mainstream Healthcare, through the Eyes of a Generation of Visionaries and Pioneers 以一代有远见的先驱者视角,看中医药在主流医疗保健中的传...
An essential tool in Chinese medicine, the Tongue nearly always shows the true condition of the patient. It is particularly useful in complex, chronic conditions manifesting with contradicting symptoms and signs. Its strength relies in the fact that it is nearly always reliable and objective. Compar...
Traditional Chinese Medicine Tongue Topography After thousands of years of clinical observation, Chinese doctors saw that the tongue is actually a reflection of the trunk of the body. The tip of the tongue corresponds to the upper part of the body which houses the heart and lungs. In Traditional...
565人已报名 加入学习 课程介绍 Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used in China since the 3rd century. Chinese medicine is very holistic and is mainly focused on the balance of Yin and Yang, as well as of body and mind. Chinese Medicine mainly consists of natural and herbal remedies, as ...
The Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Database offers information on TCM formulas, herbs, and herbal ingredients. The Medicinal Plant Images Database provides information on Chinese herbs. Zaitan zhengjiu dacheng contains databases on acupuncture. Zhongyi xinxi ku offers electronic information on ...
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) covers a broad range of medical practices sharing common theoretical concepts. Tongue diagnosis plays an important role in TCM. Organ conditions, properties, and variation of pathogens can be revealed through observation of tongue. In light of this observation, this...