网络应用生态学报;期刊应用生态学报;杨静 网络释义 1. 应用生态学报 收录中国期刊... ... 遗传学报 Acta Genetica Sinica应用生态学报Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology云南地质 Yunnan Geolog…|基于203个网页 2. 期刊应用生态学报
Analysis of core authors of Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology in 1990-2011 The first author or the only author of Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology during 1990-2011 was analyzed and the core authors were selected by using compreh... H Yang - 《Journal of Library & Information Sciences in...
contributortofuturestabilitybythepublication. Keywords:ChineseJournalofAppliedEcology ;article;author 科技期刊的作者是进行科研工作的主要群体, 能甭有高水平的作者群是学术期刊生存和发展的核 心环节【】1。对科技期刊的作者进行科学分析和研究, 对期刊吸引优秀稿件、把握学科前沿、定位发展方 向具有重要意义。 《...
Mathematical modelling and nature conservation (in Chinese): Wu Jianguo, Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 3(3), 1992, pp 286–288doi:10.1016/0006-3207(94)90571-1ELSEVIERBiological Conservation
On the other hand, because of the complexity in assessing environmental improvements, a type of performance-ranking tournament is applied to punish those who present poor environmental performance, and it functions as a complement to the traditional economic-oriented, absolute performance-based promotion...
Key Lab of Aqua-Ecology and Aquaculture, Department of Fishery Science, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China 5 Laboratory for Marine Fisheries Science and Food Production Processes, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266273, China * Authors to whom ...
更差劲的是,他还引用了《创造期刊》(Journal of Creation)上一篇论文里的计算做为“证据”。这篇论文的标题为“对年轻的地球而言煤太多了?20而这篇论文的目的就是要解决这个问题,提出证据表明大量的煤是由浮在海面上的、由树栖石松组成的生态系统被洪水灾难性地掩埋而形成的。
网络应用生态学报 网络释义 1. 应用生态学报 不同利用方式下石灰性紫色土的锌形态剖面分布特征初探。应用生态学报(Chinese Journal Applied Ecology),2003,14(2)…|基于4个网页
Influence of rainwater harvesting and soil anti-seepage on soil water infiltration, distribution and use efficiency in hilly orchard山地果园黄绵土集雨壤中防渗经验公式集雨-壤中防渗技术是在起垄覆膜垄沟覆草技术的基础上提出的一项新技术.为了探讨集雨-壤中防渗技术在陕北黄土丘陵区山地果园的应用效果,在米脂...