1. 应用生态学报 收录中国期刊... ... 遗传学报 Acta Genetica Sinica应用生态学报Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology云南地质 Yunnan Geolog… library.cmu.edu.cn|基于203个网页 2. 期刊应用生态学报 pipl.com|基于 1 个网页 3. 杨静 2011年... ... Acta Ecologica Sinica 刘佳Chinese Journal of Applied...
JSTOR: Journal of Applied Ecology, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Dec., 1985), pp. 655-668 (1) During 1980, a large area of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.)-dominated rangeland in southern Oregon, U.S.A., was sprayed with the herbicide 2,4-... JA Wiens,JT Rotenberry - 《Journal of Ap...
Keywords:ChineseJournalofAppliedEcology ;article;author 科技期刊的作者是进行科研工作的主要群体, 能甭有高水平的作者群是学术期刊生存和发展的核 心环节【】1。对科技期刊的作者进行科学分析和研究, 对期刊吸引优秀稿件、把握学科前沿、定位发展方 向具有重要意义。 《应用生态学报》(月刊)是中国 科学院主管、中国...
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electrodes, and take out the electrodes most relevant to likes, dislikes, and neutrality, including 3 electrodes of Top-1, 6 electrodes of Top-2, 9 electrodes of Top-3, and 12 electrodes of Top-4, forming four different combinations of EEG features for esthetic preference recognition ...
Coronavirus 3C-like proteases (3CLpro), a class of cysteine hydrolases that are highly conserved in β-coronaviruses and play a critical role in viral replication, have been recognized as a crucial target for preventing and treating a range of coronavirus diseases including COVID-19. Recent ...
Ecohydrology concept in Europe, the opportunity was given to three specialists from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia to spend three weeks at the laboratories and field units of the University of Lodz – Department of Applied Ecology, and the International Centre for Ecology of the Polish Academy of ...
Within this context, Online Media and Global Communication (OMGC), an open-access journal of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) that publishes four issues a year since its launch in 2022, hosted a Dialogue of Chinese and International Editors on Journalism and Communication Publishing ...
1) Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 《应用生态学报》 1. Guidelines of reference recording in scientific papers ofChinese Journal of Applied Ecology; 《应用生态学报》论文参考文献著录要求 2) Applied ecology 应用生态学 1. Applied ecology:Retrospect and prospect; ...
Zimmermann, J., et al.High-resolution microbiota flow cytometry reveals dynamic colitis-associated changes in fecal bacterial composition: Technical comment.European Journal of Immunology.46(5), 1300-1303 (2016). Tags Microbiome DynamicsFlow CytometryMicrobial EcologyBiotechnologyNatural CommunitiesBiogas Comm...