添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Chinese Civil War"翻译成 丹麦文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 After the Japanese surrender, the Chinese Civil War resumed. Efter det japanske nederlag i verdenskrigen fortsatte den kinesiske borgerkrig. WikiMatrix She reads more, and is lost in ...
Back to Civilizations (Civ6) The Chinese people represent a civilization in Civilization VI. They are led by Mandate of Heaven Qin Shi Huang, under whom their default colors are dark green and white; Unifier Qin Shi Huang, under whom their default colors
Official discord for https://theccq.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page The Azorian Agency has classified documents revolving around the worlds events going from the Great Chinese Civil War all the way to the frozen inhospitable wasteland of former Russia. View Join 简称乐园|Leyuan.xyz 8,031 members...
omegawiki 文化 noun The Chadian languages seem to have been linked to the so-called “aquatic” civilisations at the end of the Stone Age. 乍得语似乎与石器时代末所谓的“水边”文化有关。 GlosbeResearch 教化 noun Europeans tried to civilise the tribe. 欧洲人试着去教化部落的人 Open...
wikidata Show algorithmically generated translations Automatic translations of "civil ensign" into Chinese error Glosbe Translate error Google Translate Add example Translations of "civil ensign" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory DeclensionStem ...
political action that relies on the use of non-violent methods by civil groups Protests, or civil resistance, in the face of government force, rarely have immediate, tangible results. 对抗政府权力的抗议活动或者公民抵抗运动很少会立刻带来实质性的结果。 wikidata Show algorithmically generated tran...
Production ceased after one year due to the outbreak of China’s civil war.“ The H.H. Kung family includes H.H. Kung (1887-1967) himself, descendant of Confucius, Premier of the Republic of China in the late 1930s, and remaining instrumental in the government until 1949 when he ...
By contrast, the Mensheviks believed that Russia was insufficiently developed to transition to socialism and accused Lenin of trying to plunge the new Republic into civil war. 相對地,孟什維克認為俄羅斯無法朝向社會主義轉變方向發展,並指責列寧試圖讓新興的共和國陷入內戰。 LASER-wikipedia2 Mensheviks...
Both customary and conventional law make it clear that using cultural property, such as holy sites, to support a military attack constitutes a war crime 习惯法和协定法都明确规定,使用圣地等文化财产支持军事攻击构成战争罪。 UN term 协约法 UN term Show algorithmically generated translations Auto...
Finally, Chinese Americans are slowly learning that the maxim of political reality —”you don’t get the treatment you deserve, you get what you can negotiate.” In this respect, the 80-20 Initiative, an empowering political action and education organization (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/80...