Chinese Civil War - Wikipedia Kinesiske borgerkrig - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi ParaCrawl Corpus The latter event forced the CPC into armed rebellion, marking the beginning of the Chinese Civil War. Med Den kinesiske borgerkrig menes den borgerkrig som rasede i Kina i flere tiå...
中国内战(Chinese Civil War)和非基督教运动迫使几乎所有传教士都暂时撤退1927年-1932年,何斯德发起200人专案活动, …|基于10个网页 3. 中国工农红军 沙家店粮站 - YouTube ... 赤魂 中国工农红军 chinese civil war 1946 沙家店粮站 解放军 国军 Chinese red army 1929 ...
At the time of the Chinese Civil War, the Chinese community in Peru identified with the Nationalist government in Taipei, although as time passed, they became adherent to the government in Beijing instead.[49] 【参考译文】孙中山的共和国于1912年成立后,又有一批中国移民来到秘鲁,1949年gong4 chan...
Back to Civilizations (Civ6) The Chinese people represent a civilization in Civilization VI. They are led by Mandate of Heaven Qin Shi Huang, under whom their default colors are dark green and white; Unifier Qin Shi Huang, under whom their default colors
LASER-wikipedia2 Since then, however, the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg has found that the “rules laid down in the Convention were recognised by all civilised nations, and were regarded as being declaratory of the laws and customs of war” (Judgment of the International Military...
The Chinese Civil War Resumes Kuomintang’s retreats eventually ending in Taiwan, via Wikipedia Despite the KMT losing far more men to Japan’s offensives and Stalin’s support of the CCP, Mao was still aware of the disadvantages in manpower and equipment compared to Chiang’s KMT. In respon...
公民抵抗 is the translation of "civil resistance" into Chinese. Sample translated sentence: The civil resistance of the Saharan people continued to grow notwithstanding terrible police and military repression. ↔ 尽管有警察和军队的可怕镇压,但是撒哈拉人民的民间抵抗不断增长。 civil...
Tamils had settled in Ceylon and briefly ruled there already, and even the Chola occupation was relatively short lived, but it all contributed to a durable Tamil ethnic presence that, in the modern day, exploded into a vicious and protracted civil war, whose appalling course and sobering ...
her head teacher was on the brink of expelling her but decided not to in the end. Upon graduation from McTyeire in 1947 Rosalyn had planned to go to Yenching University in Beijing like her mother. But by this point the Communists were starting to win the Civil War in North China and ...
Production ceased after one year due to the outbreak of China’s civil war.“ The H.H. Kung family includes H.H. Kung (1887-1967) himself, descendant of Confucius, Premier of the Republic of China in the late 1930s, and remaining instrumental in the government until 1949 when he ...