chinchilla n. 1. [c] 毛丝鼠(似兔,皮毛银灰色,常养殖以获取毛皮)an animal like a rabbit with soft silver-grey fur. Chinchillas are often kept on farms for their fur. 2. [u] 毛丝鼠毛皮(用以制作名贵大衣等)the skin and fur of the chinchilla , used for making expensive coats, etc. ...
英[tʃɪn'tʃɪlə] n.毛丝鼠(似兔,皮毛银灰色,常养殖以获取毛皮) 网络南美栗鼠;龙猫;灰鼠 复数:chinchillas 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 chinchilla n. 1. [c] 毛丝鼠(似兔,皮毛银灰色,常养殖以获取毛皮)an animal like a rabbit with soft silver-grey fur. Chinchillas are often kept ...
9.So maybe if there's a point here, you might want to make it before I start to wheeze like achinchilla. 所以有什么事 你就直说 不然我会喘成狗 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词chinchilla的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
短尾毛丝鼠(学名:Chinchilla chinchilla)是毛丝鼠科、毛丝鼠属动物。体长30~38厘米,尾长10厘米左右;外形似具长尾的兔,但耳较兔小,呈钝圆形。背部和体侧的被毛为灰蓝色,腹部被毛逐渐变浅至白色;体毛主要由绒毛组成,绒毛密而均匀。主要栖息在海拔360~2100米的高山岩石缝隙和乱石堆中,不喜欢强烈的直射...
chinchilla [英[tʃɪnˈtʃɪlə]美[tʃɪn'tʃɪlə]] chinchilla的意思、解释 复数形式:chinchillas; n.南美洲栗鼠 网络灰鼠毛皮;南美栗鼠;金吉拉猫;毛丝鼠 更多
Chinchilla释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 [地名] [澳大利亚] 钦奇拉;双语例句 全部 1. Black Velvet is a TOV standard chinchilla. 黑天鹅绒是圣标准青紫. 来自互联网 2. So, you are thinking about getting a chinchilla. 所以, 你是想获得青紫. 来自互联网 3. The chinchilla was at me while she was ...
chinchilla [tʃɪnˈtʃɪlə] 【释义】 基本释义 n. 南美栗鼠;灰鼠的毛皮;n. (Chinchilla)人名;(西)钦奇利亚 【变形】 复数:chinchillas 详细释义 n. 绒毛丝鼠毛皮【服】 n. 绒毛丝鼠(小型群居啮齿动物,分布于南美洲山区) n. 绒鼠呢;珠皮呢;羊毛粗大衣呢【纺】 n. 青紫蓝兔(...
the fur of the chinchilla, used to make expensive coats, etc.: 栗鼠毛a jacket trimmed in chinchilla 用栗鼠毛装饰的夹克[ C ]a coat or other piece of clothing made from chinchilla fur: 栗鼠皮草;栗鼠毛皮大衣Not many people can afford a mink or a chinchilla.很少人买得起貂皮或栗鼠皮草。
chinchilla是什么意思 n.[动]南美栗鼠;栗鼠毛皮;钦奇拉(姓氏) chinchilla自然拼读 chin·chil·la chInchIl chinchilla变形 复数:chinchillas chinchilla英英释义 n. the expensive silvery grey fur of the chinchilla a thick twilled fabric of wool and cotton ...