Honduras: total population 2010-2023, by age group Total population in Trinidad & Tobago 2010-2023, by age Total population in Chile 2010-2023, by age Resident population of New York City, NY, by sex and age 2023 Resident population of Los Angeles, CA, by sex and age 2023 Resident popul...
A breakdown of the population in China by gender reveals that in 2024 around 30 million more males were living in the country than females.
Based on the life-cycle hypothesis,using China's panel data at the provincial level during the period 2002 to 2008,this paper studied the impacts of population age structure and economic growth on residents' consumption in China.The study provides that the demographic structure factors and income ...
In any case, the PRC’s population will age rapidly, with the old-age dependency ratio (OADR) more than tripling by 2065. This will cause severe fiscal problems for current old-age programs, particularly for pensions. The general economic impact will be less severe, as partially offset by ...
Age structureEducation levelThe study of population dynamics and their socioeconomic implications for a country or region fundamentally relies on continuous and complete demographic data disaggregated by age group and education level. However, limitations inherent in population survey frameworks often impede ...
Age CompositionZero-Growth PopulationTotal FertilityReplacement LevelPopulation AgingChinaIt is generally accepted that zero-growth population would be the long-term destiny of any population. China's population is expected to reach 1.4 billion with zero-growth around 2030, if the low fertility policy ...
We study how age identity (measured by the difference between chronological age and perceived old age), influences financial planning among the older population (60+) in China. Using data from three waves of the China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey, we show that individuals who feel younger hav...
By age group, the surveyed unemployment rate of the main working-age population, i.e. the labor force aged 25-59, was 4.2%, down 0.1 percentage point from March. The surveyed unemployment rate of youth aged 16-24 climbed to 20.4%, up 0.8 percentage points from March and surpassing the ...
In this analysis, we investigated the trend in incidence, mortality, and DALY rates of falls among people aged 60 years and older in 31 geographical units in mainland China and the change in these three indicators in the same population by sex, age group, and province between 1990 and 2019...
China is not only the country with the second largest population on earth, it is also one of the countries with the fastest aging population. This is mainly due to decades of falling birth rates on the one hand and steeply rising life expectancy on the other. As the aging of the ...