Age structure Marriage and divorce Urban and rural population Urban family households The most important statistics Total population of China 1980-2029 Population growth in China 2000-2023 Labor force in China 2000-2023 Population in China in 2023, by region Population density in China 2011-2021 Pop...
The aging population of China is an obvious phenomenon, as can be seen by the chart on the change of China's population by age groups. The ratio of population aged 50 or over to population 20–49 was 148/400 = 0.37 in 1980, increased to 350/670 = 0.52 in 2010 and is expected to...
英语作文:中国人口老龄化Chinas Population Aging 篇1 提纲 1.中国已成为老龄化国家。 2.老年人的生活现状。 China has become a country with an increasing number of old people. By old people we usually mean persons over the age of sixty. We often call them senior citizens instead of old men to...
1、英语作文:关于中国人口老龄化 Chinas Population Aging提纲中国已成为老龄化国家。老年人的生活现状。China has become a country with an increasing number of old people. By old people we usually mean persons over the age of sixty. Weo ften call them senior citizens instead of old men to show ...
Most of the population was still rural and people’s minds were still dominated by the traditional view: more children to work the land, more children as a guarantee for security in old age. The birth rate was high and consequently the natural increase was rapid. 1958 – 1963: The ...
As the education level of the Chinese population has improved, so did the labor quality. The average years of schooling among the working-age (16-59) population was up to 10.75 years in 2020 from 9.67 years in 2010. According to the Seventh National Population Census, ...
Although there are some worries about the birthrate, the population on the mainland stands at 1.41 billion. It has been growing steadily (稳定地), and will stay above 1.4 billion for some time. China’s population by national censuses Chart I ● More educationAll school-age kids are ...
The major causes of presenting VI in this population were cataract, uncorrected refractive error and age-related macular degenera- tion. Our results contribute to the accurate estimation of the burden of VI in mainland of China. Comparing prevalence estimates among different studies should account for...
Still, these changes in China’s population and productivity might not be enough to lift its economy above America’s (see chart). A third factor—prices—could be decisive. Converted into dollars at market exchange rates, China’s GDP is now only about 60% the size of America’s GDP cal...
China, which houses one-fifth of the world’s older adults population [4], is particularly concerned with this demographic shift. The proportion of the population aged 65 and above was 10.5% in 2015 and is projected to rise to 26.1% by 2050 [5]. This trend is accompanied by a death ra...