BEIJING, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- China's nuclear power development has been safe and efficient in terms of nuclear technology use, nuclear material control, public health and environment protection, according to a white paper released by the State Council Information Office Tuesday. Titled "Nuclear S...
The purpose of this paper is to brief the status of nuclear power development in China's mainland, and roles of new CNNC in nuclear power field. Further it touches upon some other issues relating with CNNC's attitude to the nuclear power program at the beginning of new century, such as ...
Nuclear power, a clean, safe and economic energy, "plays an important role in energy conservation, environment protection and the strive to cope with climate change," Deputy Director of China' s National Energy Administration Wu Yin said, adding it has became "a major choice to develop economy...
nuclear.plant accident,thesafetyofdevelopingnuclearpowerhasaroused widelyatentions,andgovernmentshavetakenactivemeasures todealwiththeinfluenceofthisaccident.Nuclearsafetyand thenecessityofthenuclearpowerdevelopmentwerediscussed firstly.AftertheFukushimaincident,UnitedStates,France, ...
“As an advanced and large sci-tech research and development platform, the experimental fast reactor will boost technological progress in the field and contribute to sustainable development of nuclear power in both China and the world,” he said. ...
However, nuclear power currently represents only few percents of the electricity production. It therefore needs a fast development in the next decades, supported by the Chinese government. If China would go on relying on a “one-through” cycle, the foreseen Acknowledgement The research was ...
The Hualong One reactor meets the highest global safety standards and represents a major milestone in the country's innovative nuclear power development. The Zhangzhou nuclear power project is designed to have six Hualong One nuclear power units. ...
China, the independent million kilowatt nuclear plant design, construction, our country has become the world's one of a handful of countries with complete industry system, and on this basis to form the complete nuclear power industry chain, to realize the large-scale development of nuclear power...
摘要: Reports on the development of China's nuclear power. Quishan Nuclear Power Station; Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station; Operations of the two nuclear plants; Plan for development of nuclear power; Prospective sites for power stations; Nuclear power station construction projects....
Fast forward almost four decades, CGN has been striving to live up to Deng’s first expectation with its pioneering spirit. It has blazed a path of nuclear power independent development featuring “introduction, assimilation and inn...