China National Nuclear Power Co., Ltd 221 2021年 中国500强 (上一年排名:225 ) 中国500强-第221名上一年排名:第225名 百万元年增减% 营业收入52276.4513.48 利润5995.4529.98 资产381745.97 股东权益70462.21 利润占比 净利率11.47 净资产收益率8.51 ...
China National Nuclear Power Co., Ltd 209 2016年 中国500强 (上一年排名:未上榜 ) 中国500强-第209名 上一年排名:未上榜 百万元年增减% 营业收入 26202.03 利润 3781.15 52.98 资产 263222.95 股东权益 37594.66 利润占比 净利率 14.43 净资产收益率 10.06 城市: 北京市 董事长 / CEO: 卢铁忠 员...
BEIJING, April 23 (Xinhua) -- Nuclear power generation on the Chinese mainland reached 440,000 gigawatt-hours in 2023, accounting for nearly 5 percent of total national electricity output, according to the China Atomic Energy Authority on Tuesday. This achievement is equivalent to saving 130 mill...
China National Nuclear Power (CNNP) preannounced 2021 results: Revenue rose an estimated 19.3% YoY to Rmb62.37bn, and net profit increased by approximately 34% YoY to Rmb8.04bn, exceeding our expectation. The company’s newly installed nuclear power capacity and installed capacity of renewable ene...
BEIJING, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- The China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), one of the country's largest nuclear power operators, has seen its total power generation from clean energy sources hit 863.1 billion kWh since its merger with the country's nuclear power plant builder in 2018, said...
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China National Nuclear Power Co., a subsidiary of ChinarnNational Nuclear Corporation, is planning to go public andrnraise up to Yuan 16.25 billion ($2.6 billion) to help build 10rnreactors, according to a draft prospectus published by thernChina Securities Regulatory Commission May 4.Hua Wen...
“Nuclear power units are expected to grow at the rate of 6-8 units per year during the 13th Five-year Plan period,” Li Ganjie, Director of the National Nuclear Safety Administration, said to the public in 2015. However, in the followin...
China's own third-generation nuclear power technology hualong One, the world's firstnuclear reactor, China National Nuclear Corporation Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit 5, was put into commercial operation, making China a leader in the world in third-generation nuclear power technology. Currently, China ra...
China National Nuclear Power Co., Ltd 2023年-中国上市公司500强-第194名 扫码打开APP 查看完整关键数据 百万元年增减% 营业收入71,285.614.3 利润9,009.812.1 资产464,620-- 市值113,102.4-- 股东权益88,640.4-- 利润占比 净利率12.6 净资产收益率10.2 ...