2022年中国GDP突破120万亿 据国家统计局官方网站消息,初步核算,2022年,全年国内生产总值1210207亿元,比上年增长3.0%。其中,第一产业增加值88345亿元,比上年增长4.1%;第二产业增加值483164亿元,增长3.8%;第三产业增加值638698亿元,增长2.3%。第一产业增加值占国内生产总值比重为7.3%,第二产业增加值比重为39.9%,第...
2021年,我国工业增加值比上年增长9.6%,拉动经济增长3.1个百分点,对国内生产总值(GDP)增长的贡献率达到38.1%,是国民经济平稳运行的重要支撑力量。 广东预计2022年GDP达12.8万亿 目前,各地官方陆续公布了2022年经济成绩单。目前GDP超2万亿的城市已经达到了7个,分别是上海、北京、深圳、广州、重庆、苏州和成都。展望2023...
国家统计局1月17日发布数据。2022年中国国内生产总值(GDP)达1210207亿元,同比增长3%。 China's GDP growth reached 3 percent year-on-year in 2022, indicating that the Chinese economy has made new headway despite multiple headwinds,...
从各地GDP目标来看,多数省份高于5%。海南、重庆等地2023年的GDP增速目标较2022年上调,其中海南为9.5%左右,西藏为8%左右,江西、新疆为7%左右,安徽、宁夏、湖南、湖北为6.5%左右。 “部分省份调高GDP增速目标,说明了当前经济运行保持恢复和回稳态势,各部门、各地区正抓住窗口期、机遇期、攻坚期奋力冲刺,稳字当头、稳...
China's GDP reached a record high of 121 trillion yuan (about 17.5 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2022, exceeding 100 trillion yuan for the third consecutive year, according to a recent report released by the country's National Bureau of Statistics. ...
In 2022, Shanghai had the highest gross domestic product (GDP) of all provincial capitals and municipalities in China, approximately 4.5 trillion yuan.
BEIJING — China reported GDP growth for 2022 that beat expectations as December retail sales came in far better than projected. GDP grew by 3% in 2022, the National Bureau of Statistics said Tuesday. That was better than the 2.8% forecastin a Reuters' poll. The GDP growth number did miss...
What was China's Real GDP Growth in Mar 2023? The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in China expanded 4.5 % YoY in Mar 2023, following a growth of 2.9 % in the previous quarter. See the table below for more data.Last Previous Min Max Unit Frequency Range 4.5 Mar 2023 2.9 Dec 2022 -...
Larry Hu, chief China economist for Macquarie Group, said latest data imply that GDP growth has to accelerate to more than 7% in the second half to deliver annual growth of 5% for the whole year. “It is impossible without a significant escalation of policy stimulus from the...
China's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by 3 percent year on year to 121.02 trillion yuan ($17.93 trillion) in 2022 despite being mired in various growth pressures, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on Tuesday. The annual growth rate beat a median economist ...