2022年中国国内生产总值(GDP)达1210207亿元,同比增长3%。 China's GDP growth reached 3 percent year-on-year in 2022, indicating that the Chinese economy has made new headway despite multiple headwinds, the National Bureau of Sta...
China's GDP growth reached 3 percent year-on-year in 2022, indicating that the Chinese economy has made new headway despite multiple headwinds, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday. 分季度看,一季度国内生产总值同比增长4.8%,二季度增长0.4%,三季度增长3.9%,四季度增长2.9%。从环比看,四...
Fixed-asset investment from the private sector rose 0.6 percent year on year during the same period. High-tech industries continued to show sound growth momentum, with investment jumping 16 percent year on year. Specifically, investment in...
双语观两会|China sets 2022 GDP growth target at around 5.5 pct 3月5日上午9时,第十三届全国人民代表大会第五次会议在人民大会堂举行开幕会,国务院总理李克强作政府工作报告。李克强在政府工作报告中提出,今年发展主要预期目标是:国内生产总值增长5.5%左右——
The faster year-on-year GDP growth in the second quarter is attributed in part to a low base in the same period of the previous year. During the second quarter of 2022, the economy was significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic-related prevention and control measures, resulting in a ...
What was China's Real GDP Growth in Mar 2023? The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in China expanded 4.5 % YoY in Mar 2023, following a growth of 2.9 % in the previous quarter. See the table below for more data.Last Previous Min Max Unit Frequency Range 4.5 Mar 2023 2.9 Dec 2022 -...
China's GDP growth reached 3 percent year-on-year in 2022, indicating that the Chinese economy has made new headway despite multiple headwinds, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday. 国家统计局周二表示,2022年中国国内生产总值同比增长3%,表明中国经济在多重阻力下仍取得了新的进展。 The ...
China's centrally-administered state-owned enterprises (SOEs) saw solid revenue and profit growth in the first three months of 2022, the country's top state-asset regulator said Saturday. The net profits of central SOEs expanded by 13.7 percent to 472.3 billion yuan. The central SOEs raked in...
The country's annual GDP came in at 121.02 trillion yuan ($17.94 trillion) in 2022, surpassing the 120 trillion yuan threshold, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). Last year's annual GDP growth marked a slowdown from 8.4 percent in 2021, according to the bureau. It’s ...