The chin-up, with an underhand, shoulder-wide grip; The pull-up or chin-up with a narrow grip (slightly less than shoulder-width); The pull-up or chin-up with a wide grip (a lot wider than shoulder-width); The pull-up with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). The differenc...
The chin-up has another grip variation called the neutral grip chin-up. This is known as a parallel grip where the palms face each other where you will be strongest in this grip position. It is an excellent alternative to the underhand chin-up, especially if it causes wrist or elbow pai...
Compare that to a close-grip chin-up or a close-grip pullup where the elbows are forward in front of the body – you can’t get as much of that forceful adduction that demands more recruitment of the back. Additionally, there’s less overall elbow flexion required to complete a full ra...
In most sports where you need pulling strength — like football and rowing — you'll rarely need to pull down while using an overhand grip, Arent says. But there are a few sports in which an overhand pull-up is a training movement that will carry over into competition. For example, rock...
Pull-Up Vs. Chin-Up Technique As you line up to execute the pull-up or chin-up, there are a few key technique touch points to account for.The grip, expected range of motion, and leg position will all be subtly different between each exercise. ...
Neutral grip pull ups are performed with both hands facing inside on parallel bars, usually at or just inside shoulder width. Because they spread the effort across many muscles these guys are awesome for working up to the real thing. Master the neutral grip first if you’re a total newbie ...
Chin-up vs pull-up: Which exercise is best for your next back workout? A fitness coach breaks down the key differences.
Pull-Up and Chin-Up – The Basics Firstly, pull-ups and chin-ups are similar but different exercises. The main difference is the position of your hands. In pull-ups, you use a pronated or overhand grip, usually with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Some people do pul...
Stand sideways beneath your pull-up bar. Grip the bar so that both hands are facing inward. Your thumb on one hand should be touching the little finger of the other hand. Hang with your feet clear of the floor, arms straight, and core braced. Pull your shoulders down and back. ...
23 . Wide Reverse Muscle-up hanging from a high bar, gripping the bar with an overhand, neutral grip, and pulling yourself upwards until your chin passes the level of your hands. Then pull up further until you can get one leg off the ground, then return to the starting position. ...