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Chi-squared type tests for Multivariate NormalityVassilly VoinovNatalya PyaRashid MakarovYevgeniy Voinov
Any help y'all can offer is always much appreciated. Solution The answer posted below by a fellow commenter had Activity as a covariate which wasn't what I was after; however, I adapted that answer to suit my needs. In the end, I went for a two-pronged analysis. ...
The validity of the chi-square test when the expected frequencies are small: A list of recent research references - Hutchinson - 1979Hutchinson, T. P. The validity of the chi-squared test when expected frequencies are small: A list of recent research references. Communications in Statistics-...
Wang, CM (1994) On estimating approximate degrees of freedom of chi-squared approximations. Comm. Statist. B Simul. Comput 23: pp. 769-788On estimating approximate degrees of freedom of chi–squared approximations - WangC. M. Wang, On estimating approximate degrees of freedom of chi-squared ...
V. Bagdonavičius, R. Levuliene, M. S. Nikulin, and X. Q. Tran. On chi-squared type tests and their applications in survival analysis and reliability. Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov, 408:43-61, 2012. 50, 67, 72V. Bagdonavicius, R. Levuliene, M.S. Nikulin, and Q.X. Tran....
and0<=Offset);autocout_n=[](auto&&v,intn=1){while(n-->0)std::cout<<v;};constauto[min, max]=std::minmax_element(std::cbegin(s),std::cend(s));std::vector<std::div_t>qr;for(typedefdecltype(*std::cbegin(s))V;V e:s)qr.push_back(std::div(std::lerp(V(0),8*Height,(...