这里用python生成模拟数据 importnumpyasnpnp.random.seed(728)#numbers=np.random.randint(1,7,36)#随机生成36个1~6的数字()print(numbers)-->#随机生成的结果[631556426146213346162654151526612145]observation_list=[]foriinrange(1,7):print(f'Number {i} Frequency: {np.sum(numbers==i)}')observation_list...
In STATA, the relationship between the two categorical variables can be checked through cross-tabulation, and the chi-square test can be conveniently performed as an option here. Stata tab yvar xvar, chi col tab xvar yvar, chi row // either way As above, after the tab command, list tw...
Dear Statalist, I am using stata 7: I cannot seem to find a command for one-sample chi square tests for nominal data. I see the chi square 'functions' as well as two-sample chi square tests in 'tabulate', but 'tabulate' won't provide a one-sample chi square. 1. Specifically, I...
As Richard points out, you can still use the -lrtest- command to produce a likelihood ratio test. --Jeff jpitblado@stata.com * * For searches and help try: * http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq * http://www.ats.ucla....
The Chi-square test of independence and the 2 Proportions test both indicate that the death rate varies by work area on the U.S.S. Enterprise. Doctors, scientists, engineers, and those in ship operations are the safest with about a 5% fatality rate. Crewmembers that are in command or sec...
Prev by Date: RE: st: status of -ds- command Next by Date: st: re: chi-square test Previous by thread: st: Chi-square test Next by thread: st: re: chi-square test Index(es): Date Thread© Copyright 1996–2018 StataCorp LLC | Terms of use | Privacy | Contact us | ...
More interesting would be to use > > -intreg- as this command was specifically designed for this case. > * > * For searches and help try: > *http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html> *http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq> *http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/>...
Tostatalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Subjectst: Chi-square test DateWed, 3 Mar 2010 18:54:56 +0000 Dear All, I am interested in the liners time-series structure of a variable. I would like to examine the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation. I run a regression for the variable of in...
Next by Date: Re: st: Combining and repeating value from another dataset Previous by thread: st: How to make a contingency table and chi-square test? Next by thread: st: Fwd: denton command Index(es): Date Thread© Copyright 1996–2018 StataCorp LLC | Terms of use | Privacy |...
According to the documentation, the -ml- command will provide a Wald test (rather than an LR test) when you specify robust, cluster or pweights. However, I am finding that it also provides a Wald test when you use the -constraint- option. Why? This isn't mentioned in the documentation...