ShopChest插件是一个非常简单易用的箱子商店插件,系统商店可通过命令创建,而在商店购买物品是通过点击箱子完成的。 箱子上方的全息图可以显示关于商店的各种信息,显示的信息可以在配置文件中定制。配置文件中有大量选项可以自定义。 其他功能包括: 简单好上手的商店创建与互动 全息图与漂浮物品的视觉效果 可无限**/回收...
minecraftshopspigotchestshopspigot-pluginbukkit-pluginchestminecraft-plugin UpdatedOct 27, 2024 Java It is a Flask Application to predict a person covid positive/negetive based on chest x ray of a person.This Machine Learning Web Application utilizes a Two-Layered Convolutional Neural Network to proces...
Spigot : Metrics If you want to test work in progress features you will find all development builds on Github. Github Actions: ...
regions=ShopUtils.getRegions(((DoubleChest)event.getInventory().getHolder()).getLocation());if(regions!=null)for(ProtectedRegion p:regions) {if(p!=null)if(ShopUtils.shopExists(p)) {//plugin.calculateShopStock(plugin.getShop(p));if(event.getInventory().getHolder()instanceofChest) ChestUtils...
Faction (工会派系)是minecraft最受欢迎的几个plugin之一,不管是欧服还是美服,排名靠前的服务器几乎都包含这个模式。 可惜有关这个模式的中文攻略 140赞 网易阴阳师吧 晴明SAMA🔯 伪随机让你抽不到SSR?别闹了 写这篇随笔的动机,在于最近看了不少对于游戏中概率事件的提问 在这些相关讨论里,总是能频繁看到“真...
QuickShop is a shop plugin that allows players to easily sell/buy any items from a chest without any commands. In fact, none of the commands that QuickShop provides are ever needed by a player. - QuickShop-Community/QuickShop-Hikari
QuickShop is a shop plugin that allows players to easily sell/buy any items from a chest without any commands. In fact, none of the commands that QuickShop provides are ever needed by a player. - EarthPol/QuickShop-Hikari