Protect chests, doors and other blocks in Minecraft from being opened using protection signs - rutgerkok/BlockLocker
Towny, WorldGuard, Gringotts, other Vault economy plugins), number of shops, whether player shops are used, whether certain features are enabled in the config (ex. WorldGuard/Towny compatibility, Citizens shops, delayed saves, colored names, chest protection, removal of inactive shops, tax rate, ...
This plugin has a soft depend on world guard so you can protect your regions, world guard isnotrequired and if you use world guard but do not want region protection you can disable the feature in the config. If world guard protection is enabled and you have world guard installed then disa...
plugin.yml pom.xml Humbug Note: This plugin is slowly being deprecated in favor of SimpleAdminHacks. Minecraft server plug-in: Simply toggles various functionality Disables Anvil use. Disables Ender Chest use. Disables Villager trading. Disables Portal creation. Disables Ender dragon. ...
As you host and play on aminecraft server, adding protection from griefers is a must-have. After spending hours of hard work on a build, having someone destroy it can ruin your desire to play and have fun. Thankfully WorldGuard, a Minecraftplugin, adds the ability to create protective regi... 插件放到服务器的plugins文件夹.在服务器运行后. 自动生成griefpreventiondata文件夹 里头有config.yml文件. 就提一些我觉得有用的设置吧. claims:下的expiration:下 ...
Per player area protection plugin, excellent for survival servers Mob Farm Manager [supports 1.7.10 up to 1.20] Hopper support Limit mob farms to prevent lags! Jobs Reborn A fully configurable plugin that allows you to get paid for breaking, placing, killing, fishing... BottledExp This Plugin...
- Leather Chest Plate (Protection and Durability) - Wood Sword (Knockback, Durability and Damage) Vampire: The Vampire fast mob that can get in and out of fights easily. Taking less damage they are vulnerable to death but spawn the first time with enchanted armour. ...
spawn-protection=162x该值+1的为出生点的保护半径。设置为0禁用出生点保护 server-port=25565服务器(监听的)端口号,如服务器能正常运行则不需要更改 server-ip=留空,或是填入你想让服务器绑定(监听)的IP。强烈建议留空!!! enable-command-block=false是否启用命令方块,设置为true启用命令方块 ...
It implements user groups, whitelisting, admin commands, block blacklisting, chest protection, automated backups and restarts, and more. }} {{:Programs and editors/entry | name = TT server maker | author = torokt21 | image = 01-square.png | platform = {{OS|Win}} | ...