The examination of chest wall, thorax and breast is mainly performed by inspection and palpation, while the heart and lungs should be examined in the sequence of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.Zhao, JianpingHuazhong University of Science and TechnologyJiang, Weihong...
Physical examination of the patient's chest adds valuable information to direct clinicians toward a correct diagnosis when symptoms suggest a lung disease or disorder. This chapter summarizes first the key elements of a basic chest exam, using the four modalities of inspection, palpation, percussion,...
PhysicalExamination ofChestandlung 胸骨柄(manubriumsterni) 胸骨角(sternalangle) 剑突(xiphoidprocess) 肋骨(rib) 肋间隙(intercostalspace) 肩胛骨(scapula) 脊柱棘突(spinousprocess) 前正中线(anteriormidline) 锁骨中线(midclavicularline) 腋前线(anterioraxillaryline) 腋后线(posterioraxillaryline) 腋中线(mid...
PhysicalExaminationoftheChest VocalFremitus PhysicalExaminationoftheChest 影响语音震颤2个主要因素 1、气管、支气管是否通畅 2、胸壁传导是否良好 PhysicalExaminationoftheChest 影响语音震颤3个次要因素 1、通畅的支气管周围的传导介质的密度固体>液体>气体 2、发音强、音调低>发音弱、音调高3、距气管、支气管距离...
Physical examination, CVP, and portable radiography do not correlate with TPTD assessment of volume status, preload, or pulmonary hydration. 展开 关键词: Central venous pressure Chest radiography Physical examination Volume status DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2010.11.001 被引量: 225 ...
Aims: To compare participation in peer physical examination (PPE) for male and female students when learning abdomen and chest examinations; to compare attitudes towards PPE for male and female students; and to determine if self-reported participation as examinees in PPE was relate...
aI have a crush on yo I have a crush on yo [translate] aAt ER,physical examination showed chest,abodmen,both arm,forearm and hands burn,1-2 degree,TBSA:about 10%. 在ER,体格检查显示了胸口, abodmen,武装,前臂和手烧伤, 1-2程度, TBSA :大约10%。 [translate] ...
GPs conducted physical examination principally to reassure patients: the diagnostic value of examination was secondary. History and first impressions were more important diagnostic tools. There was an unquestioned assumption that patients visited GPs because they wanted to be examined. The extent of the ...
诊断学英文课件:Cardiovascular Physical Examination 热度: 【持续性肾脏替代治疗CRRT英文精品课件】CITRATE ANTICOAGULATION -STATE OF THE ART AND BEYOND 热度: 生化英文课件-蛋白质的结构和功能 The_Structure_and_Function_of_Protein 热度: Physicalexaminationofthechest ...
aA thorough physical examination, including a chest x-ray and lung function tests, may be recommended. The chest x-ray is currently the most common tool used to detect asbestos-related diseases. However, it is important to note that chest x-rays cannot detect asbestos fibers in the lungs, ...