The clinical presentation of ACS can be subtle, therefore challenging. A timely and focused history, physical examination, and ECG are paramount to the proper diagnosis of ACS.Aini, Maria
Patients with chest pain should be asked about its severity, quality, location, and duration; aggravating factors; relieving factors; radiation of pain; and other associated symptoms. Myocardial pain is often described as substernal chest tightness or pressure that radiates to the left arm, shoulders...
Physical Examination and Workup Upon physical examination, the patient is a thin man who appears to be in some distress. Vital signs include a pulse of 116 beats/min, respiratory rate of 32 breaths/min, blood pressure of 116/82 mm Hg, oxygen saturation of 91% on room air, and ...
Physical Examination Findings The patient's vital signs on admission were as follows: oral temperature 36.6°C, heart rate 88 beats/min, BP 123/86 mm Hg, respiratory rate 22 breaths/min, and oxygen saturation 100% on room air. He was alert with mild pain. His cardiovascular examination demo...
The common presentation is the acute onset of sharp chest pain associated with shortness of breath, with no preceding illness or warning. Physical examination reveals decreased air entry on the affected side. Percussion may show increased resonance with tapping. Chest X-ray confirms the diagnosis. ...
So let's talk a bit about chest pain, emphasizing the danger signals. It's always good to remember that what follows are only general guidelines and should never be a basis for self-diagnostics. Only a physician, through clinical history, physical examination and complementary examinations, when...
Patient with chest painshould be on close observation and be taken care of especially when the pain is severe and with no remission.For patients with chest pain, doctors will give detailed consultation, physical examination ,relevant testsand examinations in order to make clear the underlying causes...
involves pressing against your child’s chest with a stethoscope to assess whether the chest pain comes from the walls of the heart or from the lungs and other organs. If a physical exam is not enough, your doctor may give your child an X-ray examination or in rare cases, an EKG(2)....
prior heart surgery or family history of sudden death may indicate cardiac causes of chest pain. Physical examination of the cardiovascular system in noncardiac causes of chest pain should be within normal limits. Presence of abnormal findings on cardiac examination such as poor peripheral pulses and...
Other symptoms may include: physical complaints such as headaches, chest pain, nausea and diarrhea; problems getting along with family [...] 其它的症状可能包括:主诉生理症状,比 如 头痛、 胸痛、 恶 心和 腹泻;与家人和朋友相处有问题;行为变化,比如变得脾气暴燥、无缘无故...