Discomfort or pressure that spreads from your chest to your back, jaw, or arm Feeling weak, tired, or faintHow is the cause of chest pain diagnosed?Your healthcare provider will examine you. Describe your chest pain in as much detail as possible. Tell him or her where your pain is and...
Angina is a type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. It often feels like pressure or squeezing in the chest and can be triggered by physical exertion or stress. Plus, Tightness in the chest, discomfort that may radiate to the arms, neck, jaw, or back, short...
The discomfort of angina is temporary, meaning a few seconds or minutes, not lasting hours or all day. An episode of angina can be relieved by removing the stressor and/or taking sublingual (under the tongue) nitroglycerin. An episode of angina is not a heart attack; however, having angina...
Reflux esophagitis (also referred to asGERD,gastroesophageal reflux disease) can present with burning chest and upper abdominal pain that radiates to the throat and may be associated with a sour taste in the back of the throat called water brash. It may present after meals or at bedtime when ...
hi, i have chest pain and left hand pain i can't bear that much pain will come am suffering last 2 years. This topic is answered by a medical expert.
severe apprehension and a feeling of impending death. It is often felt deep in the chest behind the sternum or the retrosternal area. Typically, the pain or discomfort is poorly localized and may radiate to the neck, jaw, shoulders, and inner aspects of the upper arms, usually the left ...
1 After exhaustion of all conventional arteriovenous (AV) access options, permanent dialysis catheters are unavoidable in some patients. This is, however, associated with increased patient discomfort and higher morbidity, mainly because of thrombosis and infection with a shorter expected durability.2, ...