Cautious Signs During Pregnancy! If you want to have a safe pregnancy by curtailing all sorts of complications, then you have to p... Dr. Neeraj Pahlajani Gynaecologist Delhi Mumbai Chennai Bangalore...
These include NSAIDs, herbal or vitamin supplements, and hormones, such as estrogen or progestin. A stent may be placed if your chest pain is caused by blockage in your heart. A stent is a wire mesh tube that helps hold your artery open. You may need more than 1 stent. ...
Angina (ischemic chest pain) causes include heart disease, coronary artery spasm, and other conditions. Risk factors include high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, family history, aging, a sedentary lifestyle, and stimulant use.
Iconography : Chest pain after coronary artery stent implantationFrancesco VersaciAchille GaspardoneFabrizio TomaiIgino ProiettiFilippo CreaLuigi ChiarielloPier A Gioffrè
Five months later for the persistence of atypical chest pain he came to our clinic. Chest CT showed a 31.5 mm hematoma of the right coronary artery. Coronary angiography revealed a giant aneurysm, proximal to the stent. In the light of rapid growth of aneurysm, the risk of rupture and ...
medication. The pain from the inflamed nerve can be quite severe. Some patients may developpostherpetic neuralgia, or chronic painfrom the inflamed nerve, which may persist long after the infection has cleared. Varieties of pain control strategies are available from medication to pain stimulators to...
He had chronic occlusion of the left circumflex artery (stented ~20 years ago). Vital signs on ED arrival: blood pressure, 110/63 mm Hg; heart rate, 45/min; respiratory rate 18/min; and body temperature, 36.9°C. His 0- and 1-hour troponin levels were within the normal limits. His...
I have pain in my chest just below my rib cage.When I try to do any physical activity like walking ,the pain becomes sharper in my right upper chest.When I take a deep breath I fill congestion on the right side of my chest.If I am walking for about 20 minutes and get a good bel...
Chest pain from gas can come after you eat or drink something that causes the gas to form. Burping or passing the gas is the fastest way to get rid of it, but if it's trapped, you might try: A heating pad to help relax your belly area ...
A 92-year-old woman with normal systolic function had recently begun using the newly approved phosphodiesterase III inhibitor cilostazol when she was admitted with lower-extremity pain. Cilostazol is indicated for patients with intermittent claudication and contraindicated for patients with congestive heart...