Chess Titans是微软于2006年推出的一款3D国际象棋游戏,由Oberon Games开发,支持单机与电脑对战及双人模式。其核心特色包括可调节的电脑难度等级、多种棋盘棋子样式选择,以及棋局存档功能。以下是具体信息的分点说明: 一、基础信息与发行背景 该游戏最初随Windows Vista和Windows 7的多个高级版本预装...
Chess Titans:玩法 Chess Titans:规则和基本要求 本指导性说明仅帮助您入门。可以在线或在您本地库中查找此复杂游戏的更深入见解。 游戏目标 Chess Titans是二人游戏,两个玩家各执白棋和黑棋。目的是吃掉对手的王。这在该游戏中称为“将死”。 棋局 该棋在一个有64个方块的棋盘上玩。开始时每个玩家都有16个棋...
Chess Titans is oriented toward novices of this game, allowing them all the time in the world to make their next move. As for helping tools, several are offered - a handy undo button for reversing your last move, a hint button for the best next move with explanation, and more.It can ...
Chess Titans, free download. Chess Titans: Chess Titans Review Chess Titans is a classic chess game developed by Microsoft for Windows XP.
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Chess Titans is a classic chess game developed by Microsoft for Windows XP. It is part of the Microsoft Windows MUI GER package and offers a competitive platform for players to test their strategic skills in the game of chess. Key Features: Multiple Difficulty Levels: Chess Titans offers variou...
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