Chess Titans Edit Included with Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7. Helpful•0 0 Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page ...
Chess Titans is one of the most popular chess games in the world. With thisfreechess gamefor Windows PCs, you can have loads of fun with friends and family. Developed for Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP, you can use this game on a wide range of platf...
Chess Titans 在哪下载 我用windows7旗舰版... 我用windows7旗舰版 展开 这个游戏应该是VISTA和WIN7自带,依次单击“开始”按钮、“所有程序”、“游戏”,然后单击“游戏资源管理器”,可以找到。如果没有就从控制面板里添加或删除软件里看是否安装了。实在不行还可以
windows7 Chess Titans 你能玩到几级 只看楼主收藏回复 freebird428 初学者 2 本人新手 1级都勉强 送TA礼物 来自贴吧神器1楼2013-01-10 12:23回复 惊雷国际象棋 CM 13 我把顶级赢了。 来自Android客户端2楼2013-01-10 12:54 收起回复 ZergingRush 棋协大师 11 ls好厉害啊 来自手机贴吧3楼2013-...
3.9 Free Chess Titans A classic game for Chess fans! 3.7 Free 3D Chess Game for Windows 10 Play chess for free 4.7 Free Chess 3D - Checkmate and Gambit Chess 3D - Checkmate and Gambit Review 3.6 Trial version Chessmaster 10th Edition Very well rounded chess mentor and opponent 3.8 Free The...
Chess Titans是在Windows Vista中新增的一项国际象棋游戏。由微软制作,特色是其3D的画面,并可选择三种棋子和棋盘的样式,其电脑强度一共分成十级,另也可以双人对战,并有存储棋谱的功能。它被包含在Windows Vista的家用高级、商用简易、商用高级和旗舰版中,以及Windows 7的家用高级、专业、企业和旗舰版...
Chess Titans is a classic chess game developed by Microsoft for Windows XP. It is part of the Microsoft Windows MUI GER package and offers a competitive platform for players to test their strategic skills in the game of chess. Key Features: Multiple Difficulty Levels: Chess Titans offers variou...