Alongside, the Chern-Simons action appears under specific circumstances as the leading- order effective action of the boundary theory, and can serve alternatively for amending the standard boundary conditions imposed in anti-de Sitter holography. These and other interesting properties, such as the role...
Each set of Carrollian Cotton tensors is alternatively obtained as the variation of a distinct Carroll-Chern-Simons action with respect to the degenerate metric and the clock form of a strong Carroll structure. The four Carroll-Chern-Simons actions emerge in the Carrollian reduction of the ...
Chern-Simons场在整数和分数量子Hall效应(IQHE and FQHE)、拓扑绝缘体(TI)和Weyl半金属中扮演了十分重要的角色。我在这里仅从凝聚态物理的角度出发来稍作说明。以2+1d IQHE为例,我们考虑在二维自由电子气中引入规范势Aμ,这里μ=x,y,t,于是系统的作用量可以写为S=∫dxdτ[∑αc¯α∂cα+H],然...
in [3], the Chern–Simons action would be an obvious candidate. In addition, the assumption of quantized Chern–Simons action for gauge potentials with zero modes is further supported by the results of [9], where a whole class of gauge ...
Lorentzian four-metrics determined by certain of these connections satisfy Einstein's vacuum field equations when the connections are flat. Generalized Chern-Simons action principles with Einstein's equations as Euler-Lagrange equations are constructed by using these connections....
We describe a construction of large class of deformations based on some results on the cohomology of super Lie algebras proved in the Appendix.doi:10.48550/arXiv.1304.7500Movshev, M. V.Schwarz, A.MathematicsM. V. Movshev and A. Schwarz, "Generalized Chern-Simons action and maximally ...
Chern-Simons action在Witten之前就已经提出来了。这里的一个很的motivation是Donaldson 理论:就是可以用物理中的4维规范场理论来研究数学中4维manifold上的拓扑不变量。Witten 也想在3维做类似的工作,用一个3维的topological的规范场论来研究3维空间中拓扑不变量knot。3维的拓扑规范场理论最简单的就是由Chern-...
action,onemaynativelyexpecttogetbacktheusualcommutativedescriptioninthe limitθ→0.Wefindthatthisisnotalwaysthecasewhenoneisinthequantumregime: forthecaseofaMajoranaspinor,thereisajumpintheinducedChern-Simonsaction. Singularitiesinθhave also been displayed in the scalar theories [16, 17, 18] and in ...
We study the conditions for classical r-matrices to be compatible with the generalised Chern-Simons action for 3d gravity. Compatibility means solving the classical Yang-Baxter equations with a prescribed symmetric part for each of the real Lie algebras and bilinear pairings arising in the generalised...