高中化学实验系列 Testing for chlorides bromides and iodides Chemistry 卤素的鉴定 298 -- 3:51 App 高中IB化学公开课 化学实验系列 Spectrometry Chemical Tests Chemistry 质谱法 1103 -- 2:13 App IB化学 反应速率系列 Collision Theory -碰撞理论 Kinetics 102 -- 5:16 App IB化学-酸碱滴定系列 Acid Bas...
iGCSE chemistry Section 4 lesson 1 IGCSE CHEMISTRY SECTION 2 LESSON 5. Content The iGCSE Chemistry course Section 1 Principles of Chemistry Section 2 Chemistry of the Elements Section 3. AS Revision Lessons Identification tests. Core Chemistry Smart Teach 3: Acids and electrolysis. Inorganic Analysis...
Cations Flame tests Clean nichrome wire in concentrated HCl and blue Bunsen flame Moisten wire and pick up solid sample. Hold sample in blue flame: Li+ Na+ K+ (often masked by sodium ion – use blue filter to check) Ca2+ Sr2+ Ba2+ Ammonium ion (NH4+): Dissolve in sodium hydroxide s...