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Gcse Chemistry Specimen Question Paper Foundation 3 Gcse Science A Chemistry 1 Specimen Paper Foundation Tier V10 Turn Over Do Not Write Outside The Box Answer All Questions In The Spaces Provided Related to Why Chemical Reactions Happen.pdf : http://laurenmcculloch.weebly/uploads/2/3/9/9/239...
GCSE Biology Animal Facts English Help Programming Tutoring Services What's NewAlkali Metals and HalogensThis is a series of lectures in videos covering Chemistry topics taught in schools. Alkali metals Shows both the reactions and properties of some chemical elements alkali metals Physical prop...
Cations Flame tests Clean nichrome wire in concentrated HCl and blue Bunsen flame Moisten wire and pick up solid sample. Hold sample in blue flame: Li+ Na+ K+ (often masked by sodium ion – use blue filter to check) Ca2+ Sr2+ Ba2+ Ammonium ion (NH4+): Dissolve in sodium hydroxide s...