Atomic force microscopy-based infrared spectroscopy (AFM-IR) is a rapidly emerging technique that provides chemical analysis and compositional mapping with spatial resolution far below conventional optical diffraction limits. AFM-IR works by using the tip of an AFM probe to locally detect thermal expans...
3.1.3.AFM-IRofPolymerMultilayerFilmsH 3.1.4.AFM-IRApplicationsinPolymericFibersH 3.1.5.AFM-IRofConductingPolymerMateri- alsK 3.1.6.AFM-IRApplicationsinMedicalDevices/ FailureAnalysisK 3.1.7.CoatingsL 3.2.AFM-IRApplicationsinLifeSciencesL 3.2.1.BiodieselProductionL 3.2.2.SingleCellsandInfraredTagsN ...
Marcott, "AFM-IR: combining atomic force microscopy and infrared spectroscopy for nanoscale chemical characterization," Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 1365-1384, 2012.Dazzi, A. et al. AFM-IR: combining atomic force microscopy and infrared spectroscopy for nanoscale chemical ...
要点二:金属锂/电解质界面的演变和含有SEI保护层的形貌表征 通过扫描电镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)等表征手段探讨了BTEAI对Li负极的保护作用。在使用 LiI 的电池中,由于可溶性 I3-的穿梭效应Li负极表面被严重腐蚀。而在使用 BTEAI 循环的电池中,锂阳极表面仍光滑平坦且表面均匀地覆盖一层含有SEI的保护层。为了更...
近日,厦门大学孙世刚院士/乔羽教授团队与中国科学技术大学鲍骏研究员合作,在国际知名期刊Chemical Engineering Journal上发表题为“Self-repaired cathode electrolyte interphase to stabilize the high-nickel cathode interface by a sustained–release multifunctional electrolyte additive”的研究论文。该文章提出了通过引入N,...
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign measured the chemical properties of polymer nanostructures as small as 15 nm using atomic force microscope infrared spectroscopy (AFM-IR). AFM-based measurements of chemistry and chemical properties of materials were generally not possible ...
Chemical Analysis Below the Diffraction Limit using Infrared-Coupled Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM-IR)Ultraweak photon emissions (UPECosic Resonant Recognition Modelmelanoma cellsnear infrarednear ultravioletBiosynthesis of metal clusters for the nitrogenase component proteins NifH and NifDK involves electron ...
The enhanced spatial resolution at the tens of nanometers scale of the AFM-IR technique revealed that the lipid matrix is overall homogeneous, with the presence of small, slightly enriched, and depleted regions in a lipid component. No liquid domains of ceramide EOS were observed at this scale...
In addition, both Raman microspectroscopy and AFM-IR techniques confirmed the fluid nature of the unsaturated chain of ceramide EOS while the rest of the lipid matrix was found highly ordered.Adrian Paz RamosGert GoorisJoke BouwstraMichael MolinariMichel Lafleur...
Nanometre-scale infrared chemical imaging (AFM-IR) of organic matter in ultra-carbonaceous Antarctic micrometeorites (UCAMMS) and future analyses of Hayabusa 2 samples.J. MathurinE. DartoisC. EngrandJ. DupratA. Deniset-BesseauA. Dazzi