SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development If you use the CHECK <expr> statement within an event block but not within a loop, and the condition <expr> is not fulfilled, the system exits the processing block immediately. If the CHECK statement occurs in a loop using DO, WHILE, or LOOP, it ...
The message appears in the status line. Then the system stops selection screen processing and returns to the selection screen itself. The screen fields specified in the additions to theAT SELECTION-SCREENstatement are now ready for input. The user must enter new values. The system then starts p...
ABAP--关于ABAP流程处理的一些命令的说明(stop,exit,return,check,reject)ABAP--关于ABAP流程处理的一些命令的说明(stop,exit,return,check,reject) Stop命令使用该命令的程序位置INITIALIZATION,ATSELECTION-SCREEN,START-OF-SELECTION和GET事件中处理说明1、当在INITIALIZATION事件执行该命令,系统将直接触发应用服务器和...
This however still relates only to screen fields, not fields used directly in ABAP statement. Regards Marcin Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 6 REPLIES 6 Go to solution MarcinPciak Active Contributor Options Mark as New Bookmark Subscribe Mute Subscribe to RSS Feed Pe...
Syntax CHECKlog_exp. Effect If the statementCHECKis executed in aloopandlog_expis incorrect, the statementCHECKexits the current loop pass immediately and the program continues with the next loop pass. Anylogical expressioncan be specified forlog_exp. ...
This statement checks whether anauthorizationis entered in theuser master recordof the current user or of the user specified inuserfor theauthorization objectentered in the fieldauth_obj, and whether this authorization is sufficient for the request specified in the statement.auth_objexpects aflatchara...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development TL;DR DUMMY of AUTHORITY-CHECK (ABAP statement) = no mention of authorization field in AUTHORITY_CHECK (function module). LONG version In 7.52, if parameter USER is not passed (or set to SY-UNAME), the code of function module AUTHORITY_CHECK is strictly...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, From your statement do you mean to say that whether the User Can execute the BAPI or not. You can achieve the following in the below mentioned way. For each of the logon user you can check the Authorization Object of that User. And then you...
In there I add some code just before the endmethod statement. The customer check will just be done if the standard checks have been passed before. In the example I run the checks only for a certain transaction. CHECK is_authorized EQ 'X'. CHECK sy-tcode EQ 'PC00_M99_CIPE'. DATA ...
ExecuteStatement GetItem ListTables PutItem Query Scan UpdateItem UpdateTable UpdateTimeToLive 场景 借助DAX 加快读取速度 构建应用程序以将数据提交到 DynamoDB 表 有条件地更新项目的 TTL 连接到本地实例 创建REST API 以跟踪 COVID-19 数据 创建Messenger 应用程序 创建无服务器应用程序来管理照...