Use the DESCRIBE statement to get information about an internal table such as number of lines in an itab.This statement captures several properties of an internal table and assigns them to the specified variables, such LINES, KIND, OCCURS. data: it_ekko type STANDARD TABLE OF ekko, wa_ekko ...
the DATA statement or in the ABAP/4 Dictionary ) in the variable n . Example DATA: FLD(8) TYPE P DECIMALS 2, DEC TYPE P. DESCRIBE FIELD FLD DECIMALS DEC. Resultat: DEC contains the value 2. Addition 6 … EDIT MASK mask Effect If the field f has a conversion routine in the ABAP...
the DATA statement or in the ABAP/4 Dictionary ) in the variable n . Example DATA: FLD(8) TYPE P DECIMALS 2, DEC TYPE P. DESCRIBE FIELD FLD DECIMALS DEC. Resultat: DEC contains the value 2. Addition 6 … EDIT MASK mask Effect If the field f has a conversion routine in the ABAP...
Connecting to an Amazon RDS database in a Lambda function Amazon RDS Data Service Basics Actions ExecuteStatement Scenarios Create an Aurora Serverless work item tracker Amazon Redshift Basics Hello Amazon Redshift Learn the basics Actions CreateCluster DeleteCluster DescribeClusters DescribeStatement Ex...
If a data object mask meets these requirements, it can be used directly in the addition USING EDIT MASK of the statement WRITE [TO] to call the conversion exit. Example Since the data element S_FLTIME in the ABAP Dictionary is linked with the conversion exit SDURA by the domain S_DURA...
Im folgendendescribe-documentBeispiel werden Details zu einem Systems Manager Manager-Dokument in Ihrem AWS Konto angezeigt. aws ssm describe-document \ --name"Example" Ausgabe: {"Document":{"Hash": "fc2410281f40779e694a8b95975d0f9f316da8a153daa94e3d9921102EXAMPLE", "HashType": "Sha256", ...
In conjunction with ABAP Objects, SAP has introduced an RTTI system, based on global classes, that you can use to return type attributes at runtime. This system applies to all ABAP types, and so includes all of the functions available in the DESCRIBE TABLE statement. Additions: 1. ......
You can use the variants of the statementDESCRIBElisted above to specify some of the properties that have data objects at runtime. 你可以使用上面列出的DESCRIBE的各种变式来指出数据对象所具有的某些属性在运行时。 Notes注 The statementDESCRIBEis basically used to specify the properties of data objects...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, Describe statement is mainly used to get the number of record in the itab. for example. If itab has 5 records. Then data: lv_lines type i. describe table itab lines lv_lines. write: lv_lines. Now in the output u will see 5. Hope this...
You can specify field symbols or formal parameters in procedures for dobj to determine the properties of the data object they represent at the time of the statement execution. 你可以为dobj指定字段符号或者子程序的形式参数来判断数据对象在语句运行时所代表的属性。