Check available version of a package in Ubuntu repositories from Ubuntu site This method has two advantages over the command line way. First, We can search the package version for different Ubuntu releases. For example, you can search the available package version for a trusty version. Search pa...
Sometimes on Linux Ubuntu/Debian, we want to know in advance what version would we obtain before actually installing a specific package. Using simple tools like aptitude and apt-get makes this very easy to achieve. Using apt-get The simulation switch ‘-s’ in the command apt-get allows us...
Most software or application in Ubuntu, does not come as one package and it depends on other packages to work as intended. These supporting packages are called dependency packages as they are required for the proper working of the software. Usually, the package manager in your system automaticall...
Aptis the default package manager in recent Ubuntu versions. So, this command is just enough to find the detailed information of a package. It doesn't matter whether given package is installed or not. This command will simply list the given package's version along with all other details. Met...
If you're on Ubuntu, then visit and do the following: 1.Enter the package name in the Keyword box. 2.Choose the distribution version (E.g. focal) and click the Search button. Check Package Availability in Ubuntu Repositories via Official Website ...
How to check the package version ofnumpyin Python? To check which version ofnumpyis installed, usepip show numpyorpip3 show numpyin your CMD/Powershell (Windows), or terminal (macOS/Linux/Ubuntu) to obtain the outputmajor.minor.patch. ...
In this guide, we will discuss those commands in detail. Check the Version of the Installed Package on Ubuntu/Debian Following are the methods/commands that can be used to check the version of the installed package on Debian: Method 1 Depending on the package installed on your system, you ...
thanks to the grantae/certinfo package Detailed "report" of findings certificate order certificate type status (OK, CRITICAL, WARNING) SANs entries serial number issuer Multiple certificate validation checks Expiration status for all certificates in a chain Hostname value for the leaf certificate in...
To create a DEB package: DEBFULLNAME="Mr. Buildmaster" DEBEMAIL="" make deb Don't forget to insert your name and mail address. As a result you should find packages of the formcheck-mk-[edition]-[version].[deb|rpm]in your current directory....
wget -nv "$version/Release.key" -O Release.key elif [[ $distrib == "ubuntu" ]]; then echo "deb$version/ /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/security:zeek.list...