Most of you will know how tofind the version of an installed packagein Linux. But, what would you do to find the packages' version which are not installed in the first place? No problem! This guide describes how to check Linux package version before installing it in Debian and its deriva...
For instance, for the package, git, this shows : Read:How to use the APT command on Ubuntu/Debian Linux systems Using apt-cache Using the command apt-cache below will display the installed and the remote version of a package. apt-cache policy <package> For the package git, we will see...
To check the Java version on Linux, run the following: java -versionCopy The output displays the Java package version installed on your system. In the example above, OpenJDK version 11.0.24 is installed. Note:If the output indicates there is no such package on the system, learnhow to inst...
What is method to check the latest package? How to check the latest package? How to check the latest version of package on RHEL? Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 ...
The hostnamectl command is also a part of the systemd package. Generally, this command is used to check and configure the hostname. However, you can also use it to check the version of your Linux OS. Similar to the above command, you can also find this command in every latest Linux ...
Check Specific Package Installation Alternatively, you can use therpm commandto check for the presence of a package. rpm -qa | grep <package-name> 3. Using Pacman (Arch Linux) OnArch Linux-based systems, such asManjaroandGaruda, thePacmanis the default package manager and to check if a ...
Check numpy Version Python How to check the package version ofnumpyin Python? To check which version ofnumpyis installed, usepip show numpyorpip3 show numpyin your CMD/Powershell (Windows), or terminal (macOS/Linux/Ubuntu) to obtain the outputmajor.minor.patch. ...
2.Choose the distribution version (E.g. focal) and click the Search button. Check Package Availability in Ubuntu Repositories via Official Website This method is better than the previous command-line one because it allows you to search for package availability on Debian-based systems from any L...
After installing the package, run the below command: lsb_release -d where, -dis the option to display adescription of the Linux distribution The result will be similar to the one below: using lsb_release to find version information Thislsb_releasecommand can be used in other distributions as...
1. Check available version of a package in Ubuntu repositories from command line This is the easiest and quickest way to find a package version from command line. Open your Terminal, and run the following command: $ apt-cache policy <packageName> ...