If you have created your Python environment with Anaconda, you can useconda listto list all packages installed in your (virtual) environment. Optionally, you can add a regular expression using the syntaxconda list regexto list only packages matching a certain pattern. How to list all packages i...
Theimportlib.metadatalibrary provides a general way to check the package version in your Python script viaimportlib.metadata.version('scikit-learn')for libraryscikit-learn. This returns a string representation of the specific version such as1.2.3depending on the concrete version in your environment. ...
% check_ciao_version --debug Finding conda package manager - found MAMBA / /nix/store/ml2q0w4kf34q4agfl6pbach5blrf75yh-micromamba-1.4.4/bin/micromamba About to query the MAMBA environment - found ciao 4.17.0.b1 https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/conda/test - found ciao-contrib 4.16.1 htt...
pymbolic 2024.2 requires useful-types, which is not installed. I can see that this has been disabled in the conda recipe, but would it be possible to mark this as a development-only dependency in the pip package and tag a new version? Thanks! Activity Sign up for free to join this ...
Create a Conda environment: conda create --name myenv python=3.8 Activate the environment: conda activate myenv Install packages with Conda: conda install numpy 5. Version Pinning: For stability, you can pin specific package versions in your requirements file. This ensures that your project uses...
我有一个shell脚本abc.sh,它是从使用subprocess.call函数调用的Python custom_package.py调用的。我想从abc.sh返回一个值,并用Python读取它。Python对shell脚本的调用如下所示。abc.sh响应“运行”或“不运行”。如何在Python脚本中捕获“运行”或“不 浏览2提问于2014-11-12得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 我们...
conda install keras 验证安装后keras库是否可以正常导入: 安装完成后,你可以尝试在Python环境中导入keras来验证是否安装成功: python import keras print(keras.__version__) 如果安装成功,这段代码应该能够正常运行并打印出keras的版本号。 如果仍然无法导入,检查是否有版本冲突或其他依赖问题: 如果安装后仍然无...
(MacOS) A package is available viahttps://ports.macports.org/port/cppcheck/ (Multi-Platform) A package is available viahttps://anaconda.org/conda-forge/cppcheck. Packages are also available from various download portals (mainly the Windows installer - sometimes re-packaged). ...
PP-OCR文字检测与识别一、配置Paddle环境创建虚拟环境 conda create --name pp python=3.7 创建完成后激活环境 conda activate pp 登录飞桨的官网下载最新的paddle,官网地址: 飞桨PaddleP… AI智韵 【原创】基于PaddleOCR的文字识别(二)--基于PaddleHub的PaddleOCR服务部署 参考官方文档部署往往发生一些不可预期的问题,...
(MacOS) A package is available viahttps://ports.macports.org/port/cppcheck/ (Multi-Platform) A package is available viahttps://anaconda.org/conda-forge/cppcheck. Packages are also available from various download portals (mainly the Windows installer - sometimes re-packaged). ...