The Instr methodfinds if one string exists inside another string and returns the position at which it is found. If the string is not found, it returns 0. Syntax: InStr([ <start >], <string 1 >, <string 2 >, [ <compare >]) Where Start is an optional numeric value that indicates ...
Use the === Operator to Check if the String Is Empty in JavaScriptWe can use the strict equality operator (===) to check whether a string is empty or not. The comparison data==="" will only return true if the data type of the value is a string, and it is also empty; otherwise...
How to check if an asterisk is in a string? how to check if any string more than one white space? how to check if exits/not exists before creating/removing a map drive How to check if file is corrupted How to check if folder is exist How to check if the Computer runs in safe ...
Set-CMTSStepPrestartCheck -InputObject <IResultObject> [-IsAnyVersion <Boolean>] [-MsiFilePath <String>] [-SetConditionSoftware] [-StepName <String>] [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell 复制 Set-CMTSStepPrestartCheck [...
* (asterisk) It represents any number of characters in a row. Examples: This vba code block will check if there is a file of the xlsx file type. Thus, we use *.xlsx search file name. Sub CheckFileExistence(fileToCheck as String) Dim FileName As String FileName = Dir(fileToCheck,vb...
public virtual object CheckField (string Field, string Value, object Test, object Op, object Field2, object Value2, object Test2); Parameters Field String Value String Test Object Op Object Field2 Object Value2 Object Test2 Object Returns Object Implements CheckField(String, String,...
2. Next, copy and paste the VBA code below into the editor.VBA code: find if a workbook is opened Sub TrimExcessSpaces() Dim xWBName As String Dim xWb As Workbook On Error Resume Next xTitleId = "KutoolsforExcel" xWBName = Application.InputBox("Workbook Name", xTitleId, "", Type:...
' If the function returns False, open the document. Documents.Open strFileName End If End Sub Function FileLocked(strFileName As String) As Boolean On Error Resume Next ' If the file is already opened by another process, ' and the specified type of access is...
Dim StrList() As String = {"abc", "qwe", "zxc"} Dim chkStr As String = "ABC" If Array.Find(StrList, Function(x) x.ToLower = chkStr.tolower) IsNot Nothing Then MsgBox("Item Exists") Else MsgBox("Item Not Exists") End If thanks...
There may be other ways to do this in VBA. However, this method also works and its simple. Programmatically Create and Add a Worksheet if it Does not Exist It is optional. In-addition, I have added a code to create the sheet if it does not exists. Even though, it is optional, I ...