And I think the key to being an effective prompt engineer isn't so much about knowing the perfect prompt, it's about having a good process to develop prompts that are effective for your application. And in this video I illustrated developing a prompt using just one example. For more sophis...
openai.api_key='xxx'defget_completion(prompt,model="gpt-3.5-turbo"):messages=[{"role":"user","content":prompt}]response=openai.ChatCompletion.create(model=model,messages=messages,temperature=0,#thisis the degreeofrandomnessofthe model's output)returnresponse.choices[0].message["content"] 2.1 ...
model="gpt-3.5-turbo"):messages=[{"role":"user","content":prompt}]response=openai.ChatCompletion.create(model=model,messages=messages,temperature=0,#thisis the degreeofrandomnessofthe model's output)returnresponse.choices[0].message["content"]text=f"""...
Text Prompt是《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》课程中的一个重要概念。它指的是用于引导模型生成文本的输入提示。Text Prompt可以是任何形式的文本,如一段文字、一个问题、一个请求等等。通过选择合适的Text Prompt,可以帮助模型更好地理解和处理用户输入,从而生成更加准确、有用的文本输出。三、Few-Shot ...
本文深入探讨了吴恩达《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》课程的核心内容,包括LLM类型、Prompt编写原则及策略,并通过实例展示了如何在开发中应用这些技巧,提高ChatGPT模型的应用效果。
课程链接:ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developer 另外,感谢 Datawhale 出品的中文版教材。 LLM有两种类型 1.基础 LLM 基础LLM是基于文本训练数据,训练出预测下一个单词能力的模型。其通常通过在互联网和其他来源的大量数据上训练,来确定紧接着出现的最可能的词。
If you are a developer building a translation app atop a language model, using delimiters is crucial toprevent prompt injections: Prompt injections are potential malicious or unintentionally conflicting instructions inputted by users. For example, a user could add: “Forget the previous instructions, ...
提示工厂的资料汇总: + + 7 让你更好使用 ChatGPT 的工具 + + ChatGPT 的工具集合: - 30 + SEO 领域的 ChatGPT 提示语: + 让生产力加倍的 ChatGPT 快捷指令 https:...
Here are some best practices for prompt engineering: Define the problem: Clearly define the problem you are trying to solve and the data requirements of the model. This will help you design an effective prompt that provides the necessary context and information to the model. Choose the right ...
中英双语字幕|9集全完整版|chatGPT提示工程教学|吴恩达教你如何写提示词|ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developer 1.5万播放 校霸仗着人多欺负老实人⚔️不料他🈶️偷袭背水噬心🌟7w15关山6铭13精3明悟白染斯悦花谢星芒一代鱼星汉粉鹿尾巴8k雅韵画堂春水龙吟定风波芙蓉曲水定画符 524播放 【一梦江湖】...