1.When I wasn't nose-deep in To Kill a Mockingbird or jotting down research for my paper on redlining, I wrote little pieces. But this—this was different. The room was filled with kids from my block, a neighborhood crisscrossed with stories like powerlines. My mom, a nurse who's ...
[段落]Improve the style of my writing? [PARAGRAPHS] 7.提高我的写作的清晰度和连贯性[段落]Improve the clarity and coherence of my writing [PARAGRAPHS] 8.改善我的论文的组织和结构 [段落]Improve the organization and structure of my paper [PARAGRAPHS] 9.对这段文字提供反馈,并建议改进的领域 [段落...
4. 论文的评审 用ChatGPT作为你的论文reviewer,但是你的论文私密性比较高,就不适合这部分,因为这部分...
Below is a paragraph from an academic paper. Polish the writing to meet the academic style,improv...
I am writing a paper on [your specific issue]. How should I arrange it and what sub-issues should I include within [selected section, e.g., “Literature Review”]? 3.对于探讨[具体议题,例如,“气候变化”]的论文,我应如何构建[选定的部分,例如,“文献综述”]并整合[特定十年或年代,例如,“201...
Leveraging machine learning algorithms, ChatGPT can mimic human-like responses with AI-generated content, and assist people with an array of tasks like writing essays, making business proposals, creating poems and even checking for program bugs. It has g...
I’m writing a paper in the field of [specific discipline, e.g., “bioinformatics”]. How can I convey this idea more academically: [paste your phrase here]? 4.在[特定学科,例如,“天体物理学”]的视野内,我希望增强这个断言:[在此处粘贴您的短语]。什么术语或表达方式会更能与[相关领域或主题...
1.Find a research topic for a PhD in the area of[TOPIC] 找到一个在[TOPIC]领域进行博士研究的课题。 2.Write a detailed proposal on the following research topic. Make sure it is free from plagiarism.[PARAGRAPH] 3.就以下研究课题撰写一份详细的提案。确保其内容没有抄袭。[PARAGRAPH] ...
Could you generate some prompts or guiding questions to assist in steering my writing? 5.作为我的写作障碍的灵感之源。鉴于[议题A,例如,“气候变化”]及其对[议题B,例如,“海洋生态系统”]的影响,您能生成一些发人深省的提示吗?Be a muse for my writer’s block. In light of [topic A, e.g.,...
Large language models, ChatGPT, Academic writing, Academic integrity, Originality, Artificial intelligence 一、引言 (一)大型语言模型的发展背景 随着人工智能(AI)技术的迅速发展,自然语言处理(NLP)领域取得了显著进展,其中尤为突出的便是大型语言模型的出现和应用。这些模型利用海量的文本数据进行训练,能够生成与人...