使用NLP,创建一个提示,以相同的风格、声音和语调写一篇新文章:[段落]Analyze the text below for style, voice, and tone. Using NLP, create a prompt to write a new article in the same style, voice, and tone:[PARAGRAPHS]13.请使用以下点列表写几段文字[列表]Please write a few paragraphs using t...
主要的构建思路就是上传你想模仿的论文,然后写一个prompt,就可以和他对话,帮助你进行论文的模仿和修改。 写到这里,很多小伙伴可能也发现了,虽然用GPT可以辅助写论文,但怎么进行一步步的流程,使用什么prompt,还是很有讲究的。想要学习prompt和精进自己GPT使用技术的同学,都建议去听一下知乎知学堂的课程:「AI智能办公训...
Prompt:"Write the introduction for my paper, explaining the research background and importance, identifying gaps or challenges in the current research, and stating the objective and innovative contributions of the study. The introduction should be no more than 300 words, logically clear, and engagin...
You are a social science professor with decades of paper writing and editing experienceYou need to write an introduction on the topic of[topic]. The introduction should include a rationale for the topic' s importance and a brief outline of the paper' s main sections. This section should at ...
Also:Study finds AI-generated research papers on Google Scholar - why it matters Now that ChatGPTcan provide sources for the info it surfaces, you can also ask for clarifying background information on a topic. For example, if you're writing about cognition, you can prompt ChatGPT to "Expla...
Upload a figure image then: Explain the figure. writingpromptacademic-writingliterature-reviewgpt3ai-writinggpt4chatgptchatgpt-promptsgpt35customgpt 3.6kstars 44watching
I’m writing a paper in the field of [specific discipline, e.g., “bioinformatics”]. How can I convey this idea more academically: [paste your phrase here]? 4.在[特定学科,例如,“天体物理学”]的视野内,我希望增强这个断言:[在此处粘贴您的短语]。什么术语或表达方式会更能与[相关领域或主题...
Prompt: I am trying to get good results from GPT-4 on the following prompt: ‘你的提示词.’ Could you write a better prompt that is more optimal for GPT-4 and would produce better results? 这里举个例子,扔给GPT一个随意点的中文提示,可以看出修改过的提示与原提示之间的区别!
“Revise for style”: 为文本调整风格 “Significant edits”: 进行重大编辑 “Restructure content”: 重新构建内容 10、段落润色 10.1 直接润色 Prompt: Polish the paragraph above to make it more logical, and academic. 提示:润色上面的内容,使其更加更合逻辑,更符合学术风格 ...
因此,我总结了自己在科研工作中常用的prompt,并构建了模板。现在,你只需填写关键词【更换标黄部分】,便可轻松生成一段高质量的prompt! 快来试试吧!也欢迎大家对这些模板进行持续补充和完善~ 快速了解新领域 Provide a comprehensive introduction to the research field of [Molecular Representation Learning], focusi...