When ChatGPT first appeared in November 2022, many educators and academic institutions responded with blanket bans, unsure whether these tools were more likely to spark innovation or cheating. The jury is still out on that, but administrators have started to relax some policies and give teachers g...
However,notalleducatorssay“no”toChatGPT.SomeCanadianuniversitiesaredrafting(起草)policiesonitsuse,forbothstudentsandteachers.Theyhavenoplanstocompletelybanthetoolsofar. BhaskarVira,pro-vice-chancellor(副校长)foreducationattheUniversityofCambridgeintheUK,saidthatbansonAIsoftwarelikeChatGPTarenotsensible(明智的)...
Examples of jobs likely to be affected significantly by AI include programmers; journalists; paralegals, legal assistants; market researchers; educators; financial analysts, personal financial advisors; traders; graphic designers; accountants; and customer service agents. (Source: Business Insider.) Interes...
However, ChatGPT has received mixed reactions from educators. Some believe it could serve as a valuable tool to help buildliteracyskills in the classroom. It could also be used to teach students difficult science or mathconcepts. But other educators think ChatGPT will encourage students tocheat....
fall 2022 final exams mere weeks after its release. A critical mass, a superspreader event, is clearly forming…While headlines warning about ChatGPT have populated the news cycle daily for more than a month now, most educators have yet to really feel the brunt of this viral sensation ...
Exclusive Bonus Resources: Get two bonus gifts with this AI aFREE 16-lesson step-by-step video course, “ChatGPT for Beginners,”and aFREE prompt book for ChatGPT, DALL-E 3, and MidJourney。Learn ChatGPT through detailed video lessons and apply your skills with hundreds of ready-to-use pr...
In general, the neural network received positive reviews, but some experts doubted the actual accuracy of the answers issued, and also began to talk about the problems that the chatbot can create in some areas, in particular, ineducation. Educators are worried that students will start using this...
known as a prompt. This could be a question, a statement, a command, or any piece of text that specifies what the user wants the AI to do. For example, asking an AI language model, like GPT, to write a summary of a book, the prompt could be “Summarize the book ‘Pride and Prej...
“The world no longer rewards you just for what you know. Baidu knows everything. The world rewards you for what you can do with what you know, and ChatGPT pushes us to work harder on this. If students are only as smart as a smartphone, it means educators are not doing enough. Peop...
Designed for parents, teachers, and educators, it offers interactive educational activities and content to support young learners in their foundational years. Boost your ability to guide children through their early education.Prompts For ABCmouse ChatGPT Plugin...