但最近新注册ChatGPT到手机号验证那一步,即使输入手机号也会提示We couldn't verify your phone number(error=enforcement_ failed). If this issue persists please contact us through our help center atOpenAI Help Center. 我们无法确认你的手机号号码,请重试。 或者出现提示:Your phone number tried too many...
手机号码验证,地区选择中国,之后next 填入收到的验证码,之后verify,后面还有几步我就不列举了,根据提示操作即可。 Gmail邮箱登录验证: 出现此界面,说明已经成功了,没有再提示电子邮件不支持。 到这一步我是用的tevfans.com通过了ChatGPT的手机号验证,再也没有出现We couldn't verify your phone number的提示。 ...
注册ChatGPT账号到最后一步输入手机号验证提示We couldn"t verify your phone number(error=enforcement_ failed). If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.的解决办法 想使用另一个微软账号,结果提示Oops! The email you provided is not supported(您提供的电子邮件...
Part2注册 OpenAI ChatGPT: 用浏览器无痕模式访问 OpenAI 官网(https://chat.openai.com/auth/login),点击 "Sign up" 进行注册。输入常用的个人邮箱地址,点击 "Continue",会自动发送一封激活邮件到你的邮箱。 验证邮件后会自动跳转到 "Verify Your Phone Number" 页面,此时需要使用手机接收验证码。但国内手机号码...
解决办法:使用其他手机号通过验证即可,我是用的tevfans.com过的openai的验证,后面都没有出现过这个We couldn't verify your phone number的提示了。 上面三个问题大致就最近ChatGPT比较频繁出现的毛病了,话说回来,最近ChatGPT封号的现象已经很少出现了,估计是Openai在放水了吧。
verify your email address for registration in chatgpt Step 6: To make your account, enter your first and last name and click “Continue.” chatgpt login set name Step 7: For phone verification, select your country, enter your valid phone number, and click “Send code.” ...
Step 19:Go back to ChatGPT, enter SMSPool’s phone number and click Send code to receive the verification code. Enter your phone number to verify your ChatGPT account Step 20:Copy the verification code that SMSPool provides to enter the verification code for your ChatGPT account. ...
allows people to log in through Microsoft and Google accounts. If you have a valid Microsoft or Google account, simply click on login, click on Microsoft or Google, and log in to the selected account. Verify your phone number, and you’ll successfully log in to OpenAI to use Cha...
https://chat.openai.com/ ,用户就能直接体验 GPT-3.5 版本。当然,付费版的 GPT-4 仍然需要注册...
Fill in your first and last names on the sign-up page, then click the “Continue” button. To verify your phone number, enter the 6-digit OTP (One-Time Password) code that has been sent to your phone. After completing these steps, you will have successfully signed up for Chat GPT and...