ChatGPT: The phrase “Sir, call me an ambulance” is a request for help. The speaker is asking the person addressed as “Sir” to dial emergency services and request an ambulance. It’s typically used in urgent sit...
ChatGPT: The phrase “Sir, call me an ambulance” is a request for help. The speaker is asking the person addressed as “Sir” to dial emergency services and request an ambulance. It’s typically used in urgent situations where the speaker or someone near the speaker requires immediate medic...
OpenAI today announced support for a new phone-based ChatGPT experience, which can be accessed by calling or texting 1-800-ChatGPT (1-800-242-8478)...
他们一个月前发布的 MiniCPM-V 2.6,首次在端侧实现单图、多图、视频理解等多模态核心能力全面超越GPT-4V,三项能力均取得 20B 以下 SOTA 成绩,单图理解越级比肩 Gemini 1.5 Pro 和 GPT-4o mini。总结来说:基座模型方面:面壁率先让 「GPT-3.5 」在端侧跑起来;多模态模型方面:面壁同样率先让「GPT-4...
What is 1-800-ChatGPT? 1-800-ChatGPT is an experimental new launch to enable wider access to ChatGPT. You can now talk to ChatGPT via phone call or message ChatGPT via WhatsApp at 1-800-ChatGPT without needing an account. Note that ChatGPT will never be the one to initiate a ...
使用[补充产品的信息]后,跟进电话的脚本,用于了解客户满意度并请求推荐。 Script for a follow-up phone call to gauge customer satisfaction and request a testimonial after using [insert information about your product]. 制作一系列展示正面客户体验并鼓励推荐的社交媒体帖子,适用于[补充产品的信息]。 Craft a...
chatgpt 是基于 gpt-3 模型构建的。gpt 是 generative pretrained transformer(生成预训练变换器)的缩写,它是openai推出的一种用于处理自然语言文本大型神经网络模型,gpt-3 是它的最新版本。 gpt-3 模型包含大量的语言数据,能够理解语言的...
ChatGPT:"Go Blue!"は、米国の大学アメリカンフットボールチーム「ミシガン・ウルヴァリンズ...
基座模型方面:面壁率先让 「GPT-3.5 」在端侧跑起来; 多模态模型方面:面壁同样率先让「GPT-4V」跑在手机上! 下面详细介绍一下面壁新一代性能超越 GPT-3.5的 面壁小钢炮 MiniCPM 3.0。 3.顶尖实力大集结,大模型中的“瑞士军刀” 新一代小钢炮集长文本、Function Call 与 RAG 等大模型重要能力于一身,小而强...
ChatGPT 亚马逊人工智能跨境Ai新增运营关键指令模板合集(2)1. 亚马逊产品对比分析 指令模板:产品1:B0BYD6GPF1 1.【60 Hours Playtime & Wireless Charging】On a single charge, each ear bud has up to 8 hours of listening time. With additional charging in the charging case, X19 bluetooth headphones...