extance, andy. "chatgpt enters the classroom," nature 623, no. 7987 (2023): 474-477. 文中提到:“华东师范大学的研究人员创建了一个专门致力于教育领域的大语言模型educhat,将作文批改、基于对话的学习辅导和情感支持等多种功能融入到一个聊天机器人中。该团队已将相关工具共享并开源了代码。尽管edu...
Extance, Andy. "ChatGPT enters the classroom," Nature 623, no. 7987 (2023): 474-477. 文中提到:“华东师范大学的研究人员创建了一个专门致力于教育领域的大语言模型EduChat,将作文批改、基于对话的学习辅导和情感支持等多种功能融入到一个聊天机器人中。该团队已将相关工具共享并开源了代码。尽管EduChat仍...
This year, Peter Paccone has a new helper, ChatGPT, in the classroom. The teacher in San Marino, California, plans to let his helper answer some easy questions to his students. This will make Paccone have more time to do some important things. Paccone is one of many teachers who are...
ChatGPT in the Classroom: Enhancing Teaching Strategies with Artificial Intelligence AssistanceHinman, SherylDelta Kappa Gamma Bulletin
The Creative Ways Teachers Are Using ChatGPT in the Classroom 来源:Timehttps://time.com/6300950/ai-schools-chatgpt-teache... 虽然ChatGPT被许多人视为作弊工具,但也有越来越多的教育者认为AI已经进入了课堂,应该教导学生如何负责任地使用它。
原书名:80 Ways to Use ChatGPT in the Classroom: Using AI to Enhance Teaching and Learning 作者:Stan Skrabut, Ed.D. 出版社:Stan Skrabut (2023.2) 目录: 1. 简介 || Introduction * 什么是chatGPT? || What is chatGPT? * 如何使用chatGPT || How to Use chatGPT ...
Researchers, educators and companies are experimenting with ways to turn flawed but famous large language models into trustworthy, accurate ‘thought partners’ for learning.
Online course provider Study.com asked 1,000 students over the age of 18 about the use of ChatGPT, OpenAI's blockbuster chatbot, in the classroom.在线课程提供商Study.com调查了1000名18岁以上的学生,询问他们在课堂上使用热门人工智能聊天机器人ChatGPT的情况。The responses were surprising. A full ...
some education insiders believe introducing the Al-ended tools to the academics could even overturn the traditional education.(虽然聊天机器人引起了人们对校园学术作弊的担忧,但一些教育业内人士认为,向学术界引入人工智能工具甚至可能颠覆传统教育)”且结合全文,本文向读者展示了美国学校和各类人士对ChatGPT的不同...