不过,即便学校老师无法透过肉眼,或其他如Google Classroom 及Turnitin 等防抄袭软体在字里行间找到蛛丝马迹,光靠ChatGPT 生成的文章仍难以拿到高分。「因为文章整体看起来虽然好像还可,但就用字和整体书写的感觉非常僵硬,没办法真实传递出个人拥有的情感。」纽泽西High Tech 高中英文老师戴蒙德(Michael Diamond)说。 ...
加州大学洛杉矶分校的计算机科学家王炜(Wei Wang)发现,GPT-3.5和GPT-4在测试物理、化学、计算机科学和数学问题时犯了很多错误。Wang和同事们尝试了不同的方法来查询这两个GPT机器人。他们发现,最好的方法使用了GPT-4,并且它的机器人可以以这种方式正确回答大约三分之一的教科书问题,尽管它在一次考试中得分为80%。
As schools across the U.S. decide whether ChatGPT has a place in the classroom, here's what parents and students should know. What Is Different About ChatGPT? As society has evolved technologically, so has education. Computers, cellphones, calculators and the internet have found a place ...
在其他学校还在和学生争论ChatGPT的利弊时,多伦多大学已经迈出了大胆的一步:他们决定开设一门课程来讨论这个话题。这真是一个明智的选择,毕竟人工智能正在改变我们生活的方方面面。为了应对未来的挑战,提升人工智能素养至关重要。在2023年秋季学期,多伦多大学的文理学院将推出一门名为“以人工智能为课堂”(AI as a C...
1)GoogleClassroom:一个用于管理课程和作业的平台。Google Classroom 允许教师创建作业、收集作业和评估学生成绩。 2)GoogleExpeditions:一个用于虚拟现实学习的平台。Google Expeditions 允许学生通过虚拟现实耳机探索世界各地的真实地点。 3)GoogleAI for Education:一个用于将人工智能引入课堂的资源库。Google AI for Educa...
How ChatGPT is transforming the postdoc experience Subjects Computer science Education Machine learning Mathematics and computing Sign up to Nature Briefing An essential round-up of science news, opinion and analysis, delivered to your inbox every weekday. Email address Yes! Sign me up to...
Online course provider Study.com asked 1,000 students over the age of 18 about the use of ChatGPT, OpenAI's blockbuster chatbot, in the classroom. 在线课程提供商Study.com调查了1000名18岁以上的学生,询问他们在课堂上使用热门人工智能聊...
Define: ChatGPT, GPT3, chatbots, and artificial intelligence. These are some of the important things to understand as we wrap our brains around what this is and how to navigate it in the classroom. I'll do plenty of my own human thinking and reasoning, but for the purposes of informatio...
ChatGPT 是人工智能写作工具系列的又一新成员,如 Jasper、Sudowrite、Quillbot 等。它建立在 Grammarly、Hemingway 应用程序、Google Docs、Microsoft Word 等基础之上。从历史上看,教育一直对新技术进入领域持保留态度,比如写作、印刷机、计算尺、计算器、计算机、文字处理器、拼写检查器、语法检查器、互联网、维基百科...
ChatGPT is having a massive impact on education. Smart Social explores how teachers can effectively incorporate Chat GPT into their classrooms. Discover various ways in which Chat GPT can help save time and enhance the teaching experience.