所属专辑:Business Causal 商务课程 音频列表 1 Can the world rely on renewable energ 41 2023-12 2 ChatGPT, Explained_ What to Know About OpenAI's Chatbot 39 2023-02 3 Can A.I. Write a Star Wars Story 45 2023-02 4 The Entire History of Silicon Valley ...
如今依靠chatgpt,只要1,最多2天就能搞定。 我知道很多人心里想的挺美,直接给个提纲,然后就指望chatgpt给你把所有内容都给生成出来。这大概是真的想多了。你们永远要记住,chatgpt是个通才模型,而不是个专才模型。 正因为,他是通才模型,他才能各种学科都能胜任。当然也因为同样的原因,他是不可能写到你专业博士写...
而现在的ChatGPT,其实已经升级过两次了,一次是GPT4,具有更准确的回答能力,另一次是最近的GPT Turbo。 现在的ChatGPT,是一种叫多模态的大模型,它跟第一代不同的地方就在于它不仅可以接收和输出文字,也可以接收其他类型的输入,比如图片,文档,视频等等,然后输出也更加多样化,除了文本之外,也可以输出图片或者文件等等。
据说就在2月初,ChatGPT已经超过了Tiktok,成为人类有史以来最快突破1亿月活跃用户的互联网产品。Tiktok当初用了9个月,而GPT只用了3个月。 到底啥是ChatGPT呢,GPT 是“Generative Pre-Training”的简称,即便是直译成“生成式预训练”,作为一个技术小白还是完全无法...
并且在一个 Projects 中,你可以使用 ChatGPT 的任何一项功能,例如 SearchGPT、Canvas 和编程。 如此一来,所有类似的工作都可以放到一起来集中处理,包括上传的文件、过去的对话、自定义的指令等等。 网友看罢,评论区可谓是一片" 千呼万唤始出来 ": 这功能终于来了!
Tech Accelerator What is Gen AI? Generative AI explained Prev Next Definition What is ChatGPT? By Amanda Hetler, Senior Editor ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that uses natural language processing to create humanlike conversational dialogue. The language model can respond to ...
In addition to the generated text, the output of ChatGPT can also include various other information, such as the probability distribution over the vocabulary for each generated word, which can be used to fine-tune the model's behavior. The exact format of the output will depend on the specif...
ChatGPT just launched ChatGPT Plus, a paid version of the online AI chatbot created by OpenAI. ChatGPT Plus is $20 per month.
Developing and testing AI models for business applications Suppose your business already has some complex technology, and you have developers or programmers on your team. In that case, you can use the code interpreter feature to develop and test new AI models. Within the ChatGPT interface, you...