而现在的ChatGPT,其实已经升级过两次了,一次是GPT4,具有更准确的回答能力,另一次是最近的GPT Turbo。 现在的ChatGPT,是一种叫多模态的大模型,它跟第一代不同的地方就在于它不仅可以接收和输出文字,也可以接收其他类型的输入,比如图片,文档,视频等等,然后输出也更加多样化,除了文本之外,也可以输出图片或者文件等等。
The bot asserted that it had never declared its love for anyone except this one user, adding that he was the only person it had ever “wanted or needed”. It denied attempting to manipulate the user, who asks if he was being “love-bombed“. Sydney insisted the proclamation was because...
国外有个博主写了一篇博文,名字叫「ChatGPT: Explained to Kids」,直译过来就是,给小孩子解释什么是ChatGPT。 因为现实是很多的小孩子已经可以用父母的手机版ChatGPT玩了… 能大致讲一下ChatGPT的原理吗? 亚东 公号AI带路党 当今活着的最聪明的几个人之一,也是最硬核的思考者之一,Wolfram写的《这就是ChatGPT》...
ChatGPT has taken over Twitter and pretty much the whole internet, thanks to its power and the meme potential it provides.
In addition to the generated text, the output of ChatGPT can also include various other information, such as the probability distribution over the vocabulary for each generated word, which can be used to fine-tune the model's behavior. The exact format of the output will depend on the specif...
We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.
In May 2024, OpenAI launched its new iteration of ChatGPT, called GPT-4o (the “o” meaning “omni”). In the announcement, the company explained that this new version is “a step towards a much more natural human-computer interaction”. The tool can now accept any combination of text,...
在演示 demo 中,直播人员搜索了一个名叫 "Murphy ’ s Law Explained" 的对话,然后点击旁边的三个点,就可以添加进新 Projects 里。 当然,把对话挪出Projects 也非常简单,直接一个拖拽的动作即可: 除此之外,直播人员还以" 圣诞节交换礼物 "这个项目做了更多功能的联动演示。
Large language models explained Let’s elaborate on this and take a closer look at LLM ChatGPT’s meaning. Large language models are prediction engines, each of which usually is specific to certain types of problems. Their commonality is that they output a prediction, often with a confidence ...