The AI has no capacity for critical thinking and often misses the mark whenever a prompt requires any critical or abstract thinking.(从本质上讲,ChatGPT收集在线上随时可用的信息,以形成对给定提示的响应。人工智能没有批判性思维的能力,每当提示需要任何批判性或抽象思维时,它往往会错过标记)”可推知,Chat...
ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more with a chatbot. The language model can answer questions, and assist you with tasks such as composing emails,...
Thinking is something we need to do well to grow and progress as human beings. 20 ChatGPT and related technologies destroy unimportant as,1 I recommend that students resist the temptation (诱惑) to use it in the context of reading and writing if they wish to be transformed by their ...
ChatGPT是人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)技术驱动的自然语言处理工具,它能够通过学习和理解人类的语言来进行对话,还能根据聊天的上下文(context)进行互动,真正像人类一样来聊天交流,甚至能完成撰写邮件、视频脚本、文案、翻译、代码等任务。 一... 这是对大型语言模型(LLM)人工智能技术的深入探讨,该技术为 ChatGPT 和相关产品提供了动力。 它涵盖了如何开发模型的全部训练堆栈,以及如何思考模型 "心理 "的心理模型,以及如何在实际应用中最好地使用它们。 我已经有一个 ~ 年...
本文是John和ChatGPT之间的对话。对话主要谈论了ChatGPT的功能,以及ChatGPT给人类提出的一些建议。 (1)题详解: 根据“As an AI model, I can do many things for people, like writing news reports and articles, forming PPT, etc.”可知,设空处询问ChatGPT可以为人类做的事情。选项C“你可以帮人们做什...
In addition to using ChatGPT to explain an existing condition, like Ruezga did, arguably the best way to use ChatGPT as a "regular person" without a medical degree or training is to make it help you find the right questions to ask, according to the different medical experts w...
ChatGPT is a new smart robot.It can understand human languages and talk to people,too.When you talk with ChatGPT,it can answer different kinds of questions,such as questions about history and science.It's so creative that it can even refuse your invitations! Now ChatGPT is becoming more...
站在ChatGPT 背后的人 尽管机器被首次推上了年度科学人物的位置,但《自然》杂志的 Nature’s 10 名单中还包括了它的创造者之一。 Ilya Sutskever 是 OpenAI 的首席科学家兼联合创始人,也是生成式人工智能最前沿的思想家之一。他将这家获得微软大力资助的公司视为开发通用人工智能(AGI)的机会。近几年来,他一直致...
据《商业内幕》网报道,近日,斯坦福大学的研究团队开发了一款名为“detectgpt”的新工具,帮助教师识别chatgpt或类似大型语言模型(llm)生成内容。研究人员声称,detectgpt的准确率为95%。 stanford researchers have developed a tool, dubbed...